Group Chat (4)

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**Chat with: Vulture**

Vulture: Aren't you worried?

Spidey: About what?

Vulture: Electro's revenge on Peter?

Spidey: Why should I be?

Spidey: Like I said before, Peter Parker can look after himself.

***The Fabulous Five***

Sandman: GUYS


Vulture: We're here

Spidey: Sup

Electro: What's wrong?

Sandman: I'm getting out of prison!!!!

Electro: WHAT

Spidey: WhAt 0-0

Spidey: (Also didn't u mean *Watt)

Electro: -.-

Vulture: What's your escape plan?

Spidey: You realise I can't let you do this, right?

Sandman: It's all legal!

Sandman: I'm going to be held in controlled conditions and have anger management training

Sandman: And I'll have power restricting tech and all that jazz

Sandman: But I'm getting out!

Spidey: eyyy congrats!

Vulture: :)

Electro: That's great news Flint

Electro: Just try not to destroy the city this time

Sandman: The only issue is I have to be good

Sandman: Which means I won't get to see Spidey ;-;

Spidey: Hey no I can come visit you sandy

Spidey: As long as you don't laugh at me like the plug socket over there -.-

Sandman: Never

Electro: Really? You're still not over that??

Spidey: Spiders have long memories

Spidey: Or is that elephants? I can never remember :/

Sandman: XD XD

Shocker: Just saw this, good luck Sandman!

Sandman: Thanks guys, this means a lot to me ^-^

Sandman: Anyone else have any news?

Spidey: Actually yes

Shocker: Spill

Spidey: Guess who spent yesterday with the Avengers?!?!

Shocker: ewwwwwwwww

Spidey: C'mon man, it was so cool! They're my heroes!

Shocker: hmph

Electro: I second that ew

Sandman: Did you do anything interesting?

Spidey: Some training, some chatting, some games

Spidey: A tip: never play Hawkeye at Mario Kart.

Spidey: Or Monopoly with Tony Stark.

Spidey: Or cards with Black Widow

Electro: Do they get to know your identity?

Spidey: no

Sandman: What did you talk about?

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