Sick fic

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This was a.... I'm going to say dare rather than request... from @arachnidfella - and a continuation of me defying tropes (or at least attempting to). I hope this is everything you wanted it to be, enjoy :D

Peter arrived back from patrol and tried to sneak into his room unnoticed. Unfortunately, sharing a tower with a bunch of other superhumans and spies didn't make for much of a private life.

"How was patrol?" Steve asked, as Natasha said, "Are you injured?"

Peter was very glad he was only staying at the tower for a couple of days whilst May was on holiday. "It was good, just a bit wet, and I'm fine, just tired. I'm going to head to bed."

"Why do I smell blood, then?" Bucky piped up from the sofa. Everyone looked worriedly either at Bucky or Peter.

"Just a nick," Peter promised with exasperation. "A guy tried to shoot me with a crossbow but the bolt didn't go deep enough to do any damage, just a scratch." He pointed at the evidence in his shoulder, and the Avengers relaxed.

"Okay, just make sure you clean it. G'night kiddo," Tony dismissed him, and Peter left. He had been telling the truth - he was tired. More than usual, actually. He barely got out of his suit and into some pyjamas before he was falling asleep.

"Peter, kid, wake up," hands shook him, and Peter rose groggily from the warm embrace of sleep.

"Huh?" He said blearily. Tony was stood over his bed, looking down worriedly. "What's wrong?"

"You, apparently. Your alarm's been going off for an hour and FRIDAY finally alerted me."

"Really?" Peter sat up, and immediately regretted it as his head began to pound. "Ugh." He never slept in; with his sensitive hearing it was almost impossible to sleep through an alarm.

"Are you okay? You seem very pale." Tony pressed a hand to Peter's forehead, and hissed. "You're burning up."

"I'm fine," Peter said instinctively, but the words came out a little slurred.

"Did you lose a lot of blood last night on patrol?"

Peter shook his head, the motion making the room spin.

"I'll get you something to eat, hopefully your healing will kick in. Can you make it to the living area?"

Peter managed to walk to the lounge with a little help from Tony, and the billionaire prepared some food in the open plan kitchen. But Peter found he had no appetite when he stared at the plate of waffles, and the smell of them made his stomach turn. Now Tony was looking really worried. "You're definitely running a fever. Maybe you've caught flu?"

"But... Spider-Man doesn't get sick..." Peter managed through the mental fog.

"Apparently he does. It was raining last night and you were out in it, that would probably do it."

"School," Peter realised.

"No way you're going out in this state." Peter pouted and Tony remembered something. "Right, you had that surprise trip today. Sorry you're missing out, buddy. But hey, you get to lie here all day and watch Star Wars, ok?"

Peter mumbled something incoherent, and Tony pursed his lips. "There's a meeting I need to get to, but I'll send someone to check on you, and I'll be back as soon as I can. Take it easy, okay?"

Peter had fallen back asleep before he even left the room.

The world came back into focus to the soundtrack of Attack of the Clones and people. Peter blinked awake to see one of the doctors who often treated him in the infirmary. "How are you feeling?"

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