Loophole (5)

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Despite his best attempts to maintain a respectful distance suitable for a god, over a week of spending evenings watching for crime on rooftops and talking together Peter accidentally found himself viewing Loki the Asgardian as a friend. It was hard not to when they were the only being who knew the whole truth of his past.

He did wonder, though, where the god was staying. Peter loved his city but knew it could be unkind, and he hated the thought of Loki on the streets whenever not acting as Merlin or with Spider-Man. Again, he wondered if Thor knew where his sibling was and what they were doing. Loki wouldn't suffer alone without saying anything, right? A god must be able to look after themself.

At home he was sure he was acting weird and distant, but thankfully his roommate didn't mention it. Actually, all week Loki the art student had been giving Peter long, thoughtful, and slightly bemused glances, as if trying to figure out a ridiculous puzzle.

"Where are you going?" He finally asked as Peter tucked his phone into his pocket and headed for the door. "You've barely been around lately."

"Oh," Peter paused, suddenly feeling guilty. By spending more time with one Loki, he was neglecting the other. "Sorry. I'm just heading out to FEAST, the place I volunteer at."

"Can I come?"

Peter paused. "Since when do you ask permission to do anything?"

Loki hesitated, then pulled a face. "Ugh, your manners are rubbing off on me. I meant to say something like, will you call me a stalker again if I follow you there uninvited?"

"That was... so much worse. But yeah, feel free to tag along. They always appreciate another pair of hands."

As they travelled to the volunteer centre, Peter explained what FEAST did and how he helped out. Loki asked when he'd started and Peter explained how his aunt had worked here before her death.

"You were close to your aunt?"

"Yes. She was such a kind person - she would have helped everybody on the planet if she was able to."

"She sounds wonderful," Loki murmured, and didn't pry any further.

As predicted, the FEAST staff were delighted that Peter had brought a friend to help out. Though the work was hard it was rewarding, so Peter suspected that Loki would be joining him in volunteering regularly from now on.

"Are we not going back home?" Loki asked as Peter walked past the street that would take them back. 

"Oh, right! Sorry, you go back, I just have a couple extra things to do."

Loki squinted at him. "Is this something to do with the person you've been seeing?"

"What?" Peter spluttered. 

"You've been sneaking out at night and thinking a lot. You've obviously met someone, and I'm offended I haven't had all the details yet."

"It's not like that, Loki, oh my gosh," Peter covered his face with his hands. "I made a new friend but they keep a weird sleep schedule so I have to go out late to see them. That's it."

"Hmm. And why have I not been introduced to this new friend?"

"Because the thought of you two in the same room terrifies me," Peter said honestly, and Loki grinned. 

"Well now I want to meet them even more."

Peter thought about it. Could he convince Loki the god to take on a more normal-human disguise in order to introduce them? He bet they would be delighted to know a mortal had chosen to use their name. Not that they would show it, of course.

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