Internship (2)

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It was Peter's first day at his new job. Pepper had told him what was expected, and his unofficial uniform included a white shirt, black suit, and sunglasses. Ms Potts said the glasses were for intimidation and an element of anonymity. They also had small mirrors hidden in the lenses so Peter could see behind him. 

"Looking sharp, Parker," MJ grinned when she saw him in the lobby. 

He flashed her a grin. "I feel so ridiculous."

The receptionist nodded at MJ and signed her in without a fuss. Then she looked Peter up and down. "Who are you meant to be?"

"I'm Peter Parker, Ms Potts's new bodyguard."

"Do you really expect me to believe that?" The receptionist scoffed.

"Check your email," MJ said from where she was waiting for Peter.

The receptionist did, and blinked at the photo and message the CEO had sent. 

"Oh, my apologies," she gave Peter a skeptical glance. "I'll get a badge printed out for you to collect tomorrow."

"Thanks," Peter said, and walked through the metal detector before heading into the private elevator with MJ. 

They entered the office and MJ got straight back to work. Peter hesitated in the doorway until Pepper noticed him.

"Peter! Welcome, come on in. I just need you to stand by the door and keep an eye on the corridor. Follow me at a two metre distance whenever I leave. Don't speak unless spoken to. The rest I'm sure you'll pick up along the way," she gave him a reassuring smile.

Two hours went by, very slowly. It was an honour to have a job under the CEO of Stark Industries, and the least he could so after she partially saved his life and agreed to keep his secret. It also paid well, but standing doing nothing was going to take some getting used to.

Peter heard the doors - of the private elevator - open before the women looked up at the sounds of footsteps in the hall. A man poked his head into the door, and Peter's mind went blank. 

"Hey Pep. Miss Jones. And... who's this?" Tony Stark himself was looking at Peter appraisingly. Peter swallowed. 

"Tony, hi." Pepper got up from behind her desk. "Meet Peter, my new bodyguard."

"Your bodyguard. Right." Tony raised his eyebrows. "Does he just look like a child?"

"He's seventeen."


"Tony, I do occasionally know what I'm doing."

"I didn't say anything!" He raised his hands in defence. "He's just... not what I would expect. I want you to be safe."

"And I am. No thanks to you most of the time."

"Hey! I... Okay, I deserve that, but I still object. Anyway, I came to ask if you could come help me break up Clint and Nat. They're having a fallout and their tantrum is going to destroy my tower if they're not stopped. Nat listens to you, and I'm pretty sure Barton's terrified of annoying you."

Pepper sighed. "Again? MJ, stay here and carry on, I'll be back soon. Where are they?"


"Natasha and Mr Barton were last sighted in the lower intern labs."

"Oh, no. They'll terrorise my staff."

"My staff, do you mean?"

"Hmm? Oh yes, of course. My bad." Tony led them into the elevator and looked at Peter again. 

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