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"Spider-Man. Spider-Man!"

Peter shot a couple of webs and did a complicated flip to stop himself mid-swing and look at whoever was calling him. His eyes widened and he almost missed his landing when he saw who it was.

"Mr War Machine! Um, Iron Patriot, I mean."

"Rhodey is fine. Any plans for this evening?"

"Uh- um, no?"

"Good, you're coming with me." The repulsers blasted to life and the hero shot off. Peter hastily followed, swinging frantically over the skyline.

"Karen? Can you patch me into Mr Rhodes's HUD?"

"One second."

A small icon appeared in the corner of his mask. "Hello?"

"Spider-Man?" Rhodey's voice came through the speakers in Peter's mask, sounding surprised.

"Yeah, hi. Where are we going?"

"To the meet up point."

"Wait- Mr Rhodey, who are we meeting? Why?" Peter tried not to let his breathlessness come through, but keeping up with the suit was hard work.

War Machine slowed down a little. "Sorry, man. Want to hitch a ride?"

"Please," Peter shot a web to the underside of the iron (titanium alloy) suit and let himself dangle beneath as Rhodey flew. "So what's going on?"

"Most of the team went to take down the base of an organisation that wants to continue where Hydra left off, and we received a distress signal from their location two hours ago. They haven't responded to any other attempt to communicate, so we're putting together a rescue mission."

"And you're taking me?" Obviously Peter was delighted as well as worried for the team, but that was underlaid by a creeping fear. What if he wasn't good enough, or messed up? This was a high-stakes mission unlike anything he'd ever been on before. What if Tony had been right during the Vulture incident?

"We need all the numbers we can get, and Tony seems to trust you, so yes. Unless you think you can't handle it? I don't know what you can do. I know next to nothing about you."

"No, I can- I can help. This was just unexpected. Is Mr Stark in there?"


Steel soaked through Peter's nerves. Tony was in danger, and Spider-Man would help get him back. "Who else is going?"

"It's just me and Sam, I'm afraid. Like I said, most of the team went the first time. They must have been expected."

"Which means they'll be expecting you," Peter realised.

"Yes. But hopefully they won't be expecting you. Here we are."

Peter dropped from his web and tucked into a roll on the ground beside a parked quinjet. Rhodey landed heavily beside him, and led the way inside, where the Falcon was waiting. In any other situation Peter would have felt nervous about meeting the man again after their fight at the airport, but rescuing the Avengers took priority. 

"You actually found him," Sam raised a brow before flicking some switches and piloting the plane into liftoff. Once they were on a stable course he turned again and nodded at Spider-Man. "I'm Sam."

"Spider-Man. We, uh, we met- at the airport? I mean, of course you already knew that, I just... I'm going to shut up now. What's the plan?" 

"We'll reach the base in approximately ten minutes, and scout out the area. Following that we'll find a way to sneak in and locate the rest of the team, and break them out." Something about Peter's stance must have portrayed his disbelief, because Rhodey shrugged. "We're working with very little information, that's the best I can do at the moment."

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