Switcheroo (3)

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In his own body, the moment before the action seemed like an eternity. Peter was able to assess the situation and make a clear-headed judgement of what his actions should be.

Stuck in Flash's body, everything seemed to happen very fast. Tony Stark burst into the flat, looking enraged. His eyes skimmed over Ned and Flash, and landed on Peter's face. Or Flash's face, anyway.

"You!" He shouted, striding towards him. Flash's stupid body froze up, unable to even back away or defend himself. "Who are you, and how do you know Peter's override code?"

Peter finally got Flash's mouth to work, and said, "Mr Stark, I can explain!" just as Flash blurted,

"Ohmygod it's Tony Stark!"

Tony froze. He looked between Peter and Flash, bewildered, then slowly turned back to face Peter.

"Peter?" He asked incredulously.

"Mr Stark," Peter said. "There's this really weird thing going on and I'm stuck in Flash's body for a week and I accidentally set off my alarm so I'm really sorry for disturbing you-"

"Kid, slow down. How on earth did you manage to get yourself into this mess? I know your life is crazy, but this beyond even your standards." He kept staring at Peter in wonder.

"Uh... Long story, but it wasn't my fault this time!"

"Hold up," Flash said. In his corner, Ned winced. "What is Tony Stark doing here and how does he know Peter? What do you mean, Peter's life is crazy?"

"And who are you?" Tony asked, eyeing him with distaste.

"I'm Flash. That's my body," he pointed at Peter. "I'm stuck in this one, and it's going crazy and I want answers."

"Well, Flash, give us a minute."

"No. Parker, how do you know Tony Stark???"

"Uhh, internship?"

"Why is he here if you're just an intern?"

"Peter's been working on some tech for me and he accidentally set off an intruder alarm on the facial recognition software," Tony lied easily. "I can't have people seeing my tech before its finished, so I came here to check what was going on."

"Sure, but how do you know him so well that you can tell I'm not him?"

"Is this really important right now?" Peter tried to change the subject.

"YES, because I can hear and smell every goddamn thing in this building and its driving me insane and I want to know why!" Flash yelled. "Are you doing drugs? Did you do some experiment at Stark Industries that went wrong and turn into some kind of Hulk? Please, just tell me!"

"I can try to reverse whatever happened to make you switch," Tony mused. "Do you know what caused it?"

"Yeah. It was some kind of spray called Switcheroo?" Ned said. Tony seemed to notice him for the first time.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Ned, sir."

"Ted! So it wasn't just you two that swapped?"

"No, it was our whole class."

"Huh. Do you think you can get me some of that spray?"

Flash stayed over at Peter's that night. Peter could hear the boy tossing and turning, the sounds and sensations of the busy world probably keeping him awake. On the other hand, the world was blissfully quiet for Peter and he was even able to tune out Flash's squirming easily. Peter fell asleep faster than ever before.

The boys were halfway through breakfast when Peter's phone buzzed with a text.

I've got it. On my way now.

"He's solved it!" Peter grinned excitedly. Soon everything would be back to normal, and Peter's only problem would be avoiding Flash's questions for the rest of his life.

"Thank goodness," Flash muttered, looking sick and exhausted. He'd broken the tap when he tried to go to the bathroom this morning, and the senses were obviously still bothering him.

Peter smiled and finally let himself relax fully. "I wonder how that spray got into our classroom in the first place," he mused.

"No idea," Flash muttered back. "Are you ever going to explain to me what's up with your body?"

"Probably not, no."

"How do you deal with this all the time?"

"I have no other choice," Peter shrugged.

"Do you... do you even know what caused it?"

Peter held Flash's eye, unable to lie. "I do."

"Do you wish you were normal?"

"Sometimes. But I wouldn't change it."

"Why not?"

Peter just shrugged, and looked out of the window. "Mr Stark should be here any minute."

A minute passed. Peter's phone rang, and he answered it.

"Mr Stark, where are you?"

"There's been an attack, we need backup," Tony's breathless voice came over the phone. Peter glanced at Flash, who was pretending he wasn't listening in. "I can't right now, remember? If you stop over and switch us back-"

"I can't leave the fight." There was a grunt and the sound of his repulsers. "If you can't come, send that Tomlinson boy. But hurry."

Peter tried to protest, but Tony hung up.

"What was that about?" Flash looked nervous. "What's going on?"

Peter said nothing, but turned on the TV. The news stations were all covering the huge alien attack. Peter sighed heavily. "Okay, Flash. Looks like you're going to get some answers after all."

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