Switcheroo (1)

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Peter was in mourning.
So was the rest of his class.

Their class hamster had died.

Let us take a moment to mourn the passing of dead hamsters everywhere.


So by the time Peter got to school - not late for once - those who arrived at homeroom before him had notified a teacher and the body was already gone. But the smell remained.

By the time their homeroom teacher arrived, the stench had not faded. As soon as she stepped in, she gagged.

"What is that smell?"

"Larry Bobbert the Third died, Miss," Abe said with great sadness.

Miss Lappet pursed her lips. "I could smell - I mean tell."

Looking around the room for salvation, she spotted what looked like an air freshener canister on the windowsill.

"Everyone, please sit down."

She grabbed the canister, her eyes watering too much to read the label. She sprayed a little of it in front of her nose and sniffed.

It smelt better than the room did, that was for sure.

Miss Lappet proceeded to spray the spray all over the classroom, including in some people's faces.

Everyone began to cough.

When they stopped coughing, they were in different bodies.

Yes, that's what I said.

"W-what?" Somebody asked, staring down at themself, realising that they were somehow now on the opposite side of the classroom.

Someone else stifled a scream when they looked up and saw their own face staring back at them.

Miss Lappet frowned.

"What's wrong, class?"

Shakily, Sally raised a hand.
"M-miss? I think I'm in the wrong body? I-I'm Betty."

Betty raised her hand, staring at Sally like she'd seen a ghost.
"And I'm Sally."

Miss Lappet frowned. "If this is a prank, girls,"

Someone in the corner began to cry.

Someone else began to hyperventilate.

Someone else was still coughing from the spray.
"I- *cough* can't *cough* bre- *wheeze*"

Somebody on the other side of the class noticed and stood up. "You need my inhaler! It's in my bag, small pocket on the front."

The first boy fumbled for it, gasping for air.
"H-how do I u-use-"

The second boy got up and scrambled across the room, unsteady on legs that were longer than he was used to. He helped find the inhaler, and then showed the boy in his body how to use it.

Everyone else just stared mutely at themselves.

Miss Lappet gave a little gasp, canister in hand.

It read "Switcheroo! The brand new spray for body-switching! Spray generously, once inhaled you should find yourself switched with somebody of the same gender and age in the same room! Effects should wear off after a week!"

"U-um. Class, you can-"

Miss Lappet fainted.


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