Universe cubed

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For Autie_The_Almond :) Enjoy!

Very few people know of its existence, but the multiverse is real. There are infinite universes just like yours, stretching out to the end of space and time. You may know that sometimes beings from one universe can temporarily travel to another. You may also have heard that sometimes two universes become unstable and collide. More often than not, this results in both universes being destroyed in terrible, terrible ways.

But sometimes, very, very rarely, if the the conditions are right and the universes are similar enough, instead of destroying each other, the universes simply merge into one entity, and the citizens go on living alongside one another, blissfully ignorant.

This story is about one such case: where three universes living very close together decided to fuse into one. Most of the population continued living their insignificant little lives, oblivious to the cosmic phenomenon they were a part of and unaware of the two other versions of themselves living somewhere on the same planet. A certain few, however, happened to run into their counterparts.


Peter Parker was at a small gathering. His Aunt May had died suddenly a month ago from unknown causes, and he needed a roommate. (NB: sometimes for universes to be compatible, certain events must occur for them to be similar enough. Unfortunately, in one of these three universes May was still alive, and that just didn't match up, so sadly she had to go.)

Peter wasn't one to attend parties, but this wasn't a celebration so much as a business meeting - a buffet lunch where people looking for homeshares could find a prospective roommate. Peter had decided this was the best course of action seeing as he couldn't afford his old flat or even a new one all by himself. So far, things were going well. He was stood by the table with the cheesy snacks, chatting to two other boys. They were similar to him in age and build, and not that far off in appearance, either. The three of them had only met ten minutes ago but they had clicked instantly and were getting along like a house on fire. The funniest thing about this situation? Well, they were all called Peter.

Peter being Peter, they all decided it would be an absolute travesty if they didn't get a flat together, which is how Peter ended up with two flatmates he'd only just met. Being Spider-Man would be extra difficult if there were two others to hide it from, but he'd find a way.

The place they chose was small but homey, and each Peter fell in love with it immediately. Each was busy with their own jobs and personal life, so they didn't get to know each other very well but they did give each other nicknames to clear up confusion - there was Shorty, Lanky (the height difference was only an inch but it was enough) and Blondie, who wasn't actually blonde but had slightly paler hair than the other two.

(It went something like: 'can't believe we've all got the same name, wild.' 'I know, right?' 'and we look super similar, too. If you told me you were my long long siblings I'd totally believe you if we weren't the same age.' 'maybe we're clones' 'how dare you! I look nothing like you!' 'oh yeah? how?' 'well for starters, I'm taller' 'you are not!' 'totally am, you're shorter than me by like 2cm, such a shortie' 'like you can talk, you're too tall, look at him towering 3mm over me, such a lanky lad.' 'right!' 'don't think you're getting away unscathed, mr-medium-height.' 'yeah dude your hair is like half a shade lighter, you're such a blondie.' 'these names better not stick.' '...just for that I'm going to make sure they do.')

In case you hadn't guessed by now, all three Peters are Peter Parker. They're also all Spider-Man.


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