Chapter 29: Laughing

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Jared came into the kitchen what seemed like a half hour later grumbling away. Isabelle was chuckling at the sight of him. It was just so funny seeing his expression and being chewed out and all, she wondered what his mother had said.

Jared came straight over to her and brought her into a bone crushing hug, which she wasn't expecting, and told her softly, "you're going to pay for that."

Isabelle looked up at him with innocent eyes and asked, "how?"

Jared shrugged, "I don't know, but you will. I will just have to figure it out as I go along. I need to wait for the perfect moment."

Isabelle shook her head, "no, that was my revenge for you kidnapping me so we're even."

Jared tilted his head to the side as he looked down at her, "really? You think we're even? What about with Buddy, the hamburger thing, and him biting me and all? Wasn't that revenge?"

She grinned at him and shook her head, "no, it wasn't actually, it was just a prank, but also to get back at you a little bit. But it was totally worth it to see you in pain like that."

"Well sweetheart, now that you've met my parents," Jared said changing the subject, "what do you want to do? Continue to talk to them, make dinner, or go talk to Abby?"

"Abby!" Isabelle yelled excitedly, "I haven't talked to her in what seems like forever even if it was only yesterday."

Jared chuckled, "alright, she'll be down in just a moment."

Isabelle was about to ask a question when Jared was proved right. Abby came bursting down the stairs and towards her, barrelling into her, Luke wasn't far behind but he didn't give Isabelle a hug. "How'd it go?" Abby asked excitedly.

Isabelle laughed, "wouldn't you like to know." Her eyes then shot to something on Abby's neck and she brushed her hair aside before exclaiming, "you let Luke mark you!"

Abby blushed before nodding and looking away, "yeah, I did. Why? There's something wrong with that?"

Isabelle shook her head, "no, nothing at all actually, in fact." She moved her own hair away so that Abby could see her own mark that Jared had gave her. It was two wolves and a moon with Jared's name under it. One was a black wolf while the other a white, though she didn't know why. Probably it just being the exact opposite maybe?

Before Isabelle could continue with saying anything, Abby interrupted, "Jared marked you! Since when? Tell me all about it."

Isabelle shook her head, "no, I think that's a story for later, I'll tell you then. Right now, there's some important things to discuss. Did you know that Jared's parents are here?"

Abby nodded, "I did actually, what did they say?"

Isabelle blushed before saying, "well, Michelle spoke of us having five kids, and fast. She wants them really bad, though I don't know why so fast. Anyways, the best thing that happened was that she blew up when I mentioned them kidnapping us!"

Abby laughed, "really? What was she like? I wish I was there to see it."

Isabelle laughed, "it was really funny. She then yelled at Jared for the last half hour."

Jared growled as he came up to her and wrapped his arms around her, "no, it was not funny. Just be glad that I'm not going to do anything.... yet."

"Well that's to bad for you," she unwrapped his arms from around her and stepped away, "now, if you'll excuse me, I'm actually quite hungry at the moment. Is there anything to eat?"

Jared glared at her slightly for stepping away before nodding, "yes, there is. There is some pancakes and eggs already made for you and waiting."

"Really? Yay!" Isabelle dashed over to dining room where she saw a bunch of food. She hurriedly sat down at the table and started to eat, not bothering to wait for anyone else as they also sat down to eat.

But once she was done, she sat her fork down and that was when the burning pain started.


Sorry for not updating yesterday, I was really busy. Also sorry it's a bad chapter. It could have been longer and better but I was also feeling lazy and I know you guys are waiting for an update, so here one is, even if it's terrible. Oh, and here's a funny thing I forgot about, I forgot Isabelle had a caste and bandages wrapped around her torso. Should I mention them again or pretend they don't exsist? Or should they come off about now? Idk, what do you think?




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