Chapter 20: Embarrassment

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This chapter is dedicated to natasja-- for voting and liking my story. Thank you so much for liking it.


Isabelle walked into the living room calling out "Abby!" but she stopped short when she saw the sight in front of her. "Ah!" she yelled and backed out of the room and into the kitchen. When had those two gotten so close? Isabelle wondered as she turned around and tried to get the memory and thought out of her mind. She walked over to the fridge but still couldn't shake the image out of her mind of Abby and Luke making out on the couch. She shook her head disgusted but thought, isn't that what I was doing a few moments earlier with Jared and didn't put up a fight against it? Her body shook, as if disgusted by the thought but was actually her mind and her body yearning for Jared.

Isabelle didn't understand why her body was reacting to Jared the way it did, and she couldn't understand how she, for some reason, liked it in the back of her mind and felt like she always wanted to do it. It was probably the stupid mate bond they had going on, that must be the only reason. Yeah, it must be. That could be the only reason why she was feeling towards him the way that she did, what other explanation could she need?

The image of Abby and Luke making out managed to come up in her mind her mind again made her shiver in disgust, which only made her remember that she had been doing exactly that with Jared. Her mind only reinforced it when she saw Jared come into the kitchen, and up to her, like there was not a care in the world and he had not just kissed her with those soft lips of his. He walked in, ruffling his dark black hair and looked at her with a smile. "So, how is my princess doing today?"

Isabelle scowled at the nickname but didn't answer him, her cheeks becoming a light pink again. She turned around, hopefully in time so he wouldn't see her with the blush on her cheeks. She turned back to the fridge again, looking a bit angrily inside it even if it wasn't the poor fridges fault and closed the door angrily after grabbing a pickle out of the fridge.

A pickle was probably the most inconvenient thing to grab out of the fridge at the moment but she didn't care, she loved pickles. There was nothing else like them and plus, it was her favorite snack to have. This didn't stop Jared though as he chuckled, "aw... is someone mad? Please don't be mad. It was just one little kiss."

Isabelle turned around and sneered at him, "just one little kiss huh? It didn't seem to be one little kiss to me. If it was, it would have been much shorter and not to mention that it was first one, so it is a big deal to me." She didn't mean to let that slip out. Her eyes widened as she covered her mouth and turned around. She didn't want to see Jared's reaction, feeling like if she did, she knew that he would make fun of her.

Isabelle started to eat her pickle that she had gotten out of the fridge, not wanting it to go to waste just because Jared had showed up, what would be the point in that? But she wasn't really feel like having it anymore after Jared came in and completely ruining it and exposing her secret to him. She wasn't even sure if she completely like him and he had taken her first kiss from her. She wanted to it with someone she loved, not someone she wasn't sure if she liked or not.

She soon finished eating her pickle, not really wanting it anymore but knew that she should finish it. What would be the point in grabbing it and eating it if it went to waste? She hated Jared at the moment for doing this to her, having all of these conflicted emotions going on inside her, why did he have to make her feel the way that she did? She knew that she was falling for him quickly, even if she didn't want to. Her thoughts were interrupted though when Jared started to talk.

"That was your first kiss?" Jared asked sounding shocked. Why should he sound so shocked about it? Not everyone just went kissing random people. He shouldn't be so surprised that he was her first kiss. "I would have thought that you would have been kissed by multiple men by now," he then growled. She shivered slightly and felt a little turned on at how his voice sounded, how it sounded so sexy and possessive. Damn him, she thought to herself, why does he have to be like that? Why does he always seem to make me fall for him harder every time something comes up. "It's just really hard for me to imagine you having not kissed anyone before, especially with how beautiful you are. I thought that you would have had swarms of boys following after you and most of them having kissed you."

Isabelle sighed and slowly turned around, only to come face to face, or more like face to chest in her case. When had he even moved closer to her? she wondered. She hadn't heard him coming up behind her, he must have been pretty fast and/or quiet for her not to hear him. Isabelle slowly looked up at him, meeting his beautiful blue eyes. "How can you think that I've been kissed before? You can't just assume something, especially since I haven't told you anything. You barely know me."

Jared's face seem to plummet before it brightened. "Yeah, you're right, I barely know you. I'm going to take you on a date soon. I don't know when for sure, just know that it will be soon."

Isabelle looked him in the eye and wondered if he was serious. When she saw that he was, her eyes widened as she backed up against the counter, becoming trapped against the counter as he came towards her. He grabbed her waist in his hands, pulling her closer to him and he leaned down, whispering in her ear. "Oh, and just to let you know, that wasn't your first kiss. I kissed you while you were in the hospital." She could feel him grin against her neck before he started to kiss her neck a few times, sucking on it in a few places, making her legs become jelly-like. If he affected her this much with just a few gentle soft kisses on her neck, how would she feel when it was more intense? She could already imagine it, how it would be. With him hold her close and h- stop it Isabelle, she scolded herself, you're better than that. You don't need to think that way. She couldn't help it though, he had this thing over her that just seemed to make her melt when in his presence.

Isabelle sighed in complete bliss and closed her eyes as she felt him moving up neck and towards her mouth. She didn't even register the fact that he had said that he had kissed her while she was in the hospital while he was doing this to her. She melted into him and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head towards her mouth, forgetting that she was mad at him. She sighed again as his lips met hers and she kissed him back softly.

This went on for a few minutes before Isabelle came to her senses and pushed him away from her. "You should go," she told him quietly before looking up at him, "you should go do whatever needs to be done. You are the leader of this pack after all."

Jared sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "yeah, you're probably right. But it won't take that long, I promise." He then started walking towards the living room before he stopped and turned around, grinnnig at her, "oh, and in case you're wondering, I do believe that it is safe to come out here again." He chuckled before he disappeared, leaving her with flaming red cheeks.

Isabelle sighed before she shook her head and walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where she came face to face with Abby, a weird and shocked expression on her face. She pushed her back into the kitchen without a word and turned to face towards her.

"I'm so sorry!" Abby exclaimed, "I didn't mean for you to-"

Isabelle held up her hand to stop her from speaking, "it's alright, I understand. I'm not mad at you. I just wished I would have some warning about you being so close to him. When did you even get together with him?"

Abby had a relieved look on her face and she smiled, "it was while you were unconscious. He comforted me when I needed it most I guess and I guess that somewhere between all of this, I kind of fell for him." Her eyes then fell to Isabelle's neck and she smirked, "and I'm guessing that those hickeys on your neck mean the same thing."

Isabelle's hand flew up to her neck and her eyes widened as she exclaimed, "what!" She ran to the bathroom to see if it was true. She was horrified at the sight of her neck. She had about four hickeys on her neck. She screamed, "I'm going to kill you Jared!"

Isabelle then ran out of the bathroom in search of Jared to kill him.


Sorry for not up dating sooner! I had somehow managed to delete most of this chapter. I had been so close to up loading it a few days ago but then this had happened so I'm sorry. I hope this makes it up to you tough. I liked what I had first for the places where I had deleted it but I couldn't get it exactly the same, so sorry again and again, I hope you like it.




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