Chapter 10: The incident

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Isabelle woke up in the morning, feeling more calm and well rested after she had gone back to sleep from the nightmare. This is probably due to the fact that after she had gone back to sleep, she had moved back over to Jared and hung on to him while she slept, refusing to let him go.

Isabelle opened her eyes more to see that she was really close to Jared's face. If she wanted to, she close the two inch gap between them and kiss him, but she wasn't going to do that, no way. But she shivered at the thought, her mind and body and really wanting to do it but a small thing in the back of her conscience saying that she shouldn't.

She stayed like that for a moment longer, not at all acting like a victim to a kidnapping. She then tried to get up to find that she couldn't. She sighed, thinking that it was just like when she woke up yesterday.

It was just like yesterday, but he had a tighter hold on her. She sighed, accidentally blowing in his face which was a big mistake. Because of this, she could feel his little friend poking on the inside of her thigh up close where it shouldn't be.

Her heartbeat picked up, indicating that she was nervous but also, for some reason, glad that it was there. She imagi- Shit, stop thinking Isabelle, it will get you in major trouble, especially if you keep imagining things like that!

She took deep breaths, trying to control herself and waiting for it to go away, but it wouldn't. This really wasn't good, especially for her. She moved, trying to get out of his grip. Isabelle managed to slid down a few inches and no more but that a worse idea because as soon as that happened, Jared's arms tightened around her, making her stop moving any farther and his friend seemed to poke her harder, if that was even possible, and in the exact spot in shouldn't be.

She gulped and started squirming, trying to get away but more frantically. All that seemed to do was make it harder and felt like she was grinding against him. She yelped and moaned at the same time when that happened. She smaked his cheek and chest repeatedly until she was able to get away.

Isabelle rolled off the bed, landing with a hard thud.

Jared immediately woke up at that and looked around for Isabelle, seeing that she was gone, before seeing her on the ground.

Isabelle was rubbing her butt and had said, "ow," when she landed but she soon stopped to see that Jared was looking down at her. She sighed and stood up, wanting to be away from him at the moment and headed to the closet. She wished she had her own clothes and didn't have to wear his. Sighing, she turned back around to face him to see that he was just staring at her she asked, "can I have some of my own clothes? I don't want to be wearing your clothes all the time."

Jared rubbed his face, as if nothing happened at all and he didn't know it. He removed his hand and said, "I got your shirt you bought at the mall the other day, and you're right, you can't always wear my clothes." He stood up, only in boxers as he walked over to her and into the closet. A moment later, he came back out with some more of his clothes and said, "but in the meantime, this is all you have to wear until I get you something."

Isabelle sighed and reluctantly took the clothes from him. She headed into the bathroom, locking the door behind her and quickly changed into what he had given her, which was another pair or shorts and another t-shirt. She did her business and washed her hands before she walked out of the room and into the dreaded day she was going to have.

Jared smirked slightly when she came out of the bathroom and he walked in himself, probably taking care of some business. She wrinkled her nose at the thought and looked around for a brush, wondering if there was even one she could use so her hair wasn't such a knotted mess.

She spotted one, laying on top of a dresser that looked brand new. He had the good sense to at least get her a brush. She hurried over to it and started brushing through all the tangles that had happened to be in it. By the time she was done, her stomach was growling, indicating that she was hungry, and she blushed in embarrassment, mostly because Jared had decided to come out at that exact moment to witness the growl.

Jared chuckled upon hearing it, which made her blush more and she put the brush done. Isabelle gained her composure and tried hard not to think about what had happened this morning. But it was kind of hard when the guy who was responsible for it was standing right there in front of you.

Trying to erase it from her mind, even though it failed terribly, she looked up at him as he said, "come on, let's go get you something to eat. You're probably hungry after not being able to get your smoothie yesterday."

Isabelle nodded eagerly and said, "yes, I am." She then started heading towards the door, not caring that she was wearing his clothes now, only because of the food on her mind. She didn't want cereal today, she wanted eggs and bacon. She just hoped she would be able to get it.

Jared laughed and hurried after her. He opened the door for her, letting her go first before closing the door and following closely behind her. He apparently, wasn't going to leave her side and the farthest he would be away from her is about five feet. She thought that it was rather annoying, but she couldn't do anything about it.

Isabelle rolled her eyes as she walked into the spotless kitchen, like nothing had ever happened yesterday, and asked, "am I allowed to have bacon and eggs? Because if I'm able, I would like some."

Jared nodded towards her, "yes, you're able to have some, but I'm not going to let you make them, not after last nights incident. I don't trust you. You'll probably find some way to make a mess again."

"I'm sorry!" Isabelle said, "I didn't mean to forget to put the lid on! I just wanted a smoothie right then and forgot to put in on!"

Jared chuckled, "don't need to act like that sweetheart. I'm not mad at you, I'm just not going to let you cook it, especially the bacon."

Isabelle rolled her eyes again, "fine, whatever. Do whatever you want. I'll just sit over here." She walked over to the table and sat down, waiting patiently for her meal to be done.

Just then, Abby came into the room with Luke and Abby ran over to her. "Abby! How you doing? I haven't seen you since I had to go upstairs because of the smoothie incident."

"Could be better," Abby said but smiled slightly. Isabelle wondered what that smile meant but Abby whispered, "so what's our next plan?"

Isabelle thought for a moment before shrugging, "I have no idea." Something suddenly came to her and Isabelle continued, "you know, if one of us is able to get out of here, we should just run, leave the other behind." Abby tried to interrupt her but Isabelle wasn't done, "and once that person was away, we could call for help and we can be home sweet home."

Abby nodded after a moment, "alright, but if it comes to that, I may not actually leave you, even if it would put these guys to justic-"

"Do you want some eggs and bacon too, Abby?" Jared suddenly called interrupting their conversation.

Abby nodded towards Jared and said, "yes, that would be wonderful." Abby then turned back to Isabelle and said, "now, before we so rudely interrupted, as I was saying, I can't just leave you here, what if they do something to you and I don't even know it? I couldn't live with myself for that. So no, I'm probably not going to do that."

Isabelle sighed and nodded slowly, "yeah, now that you bring that up, I can't do that myself either, but why would they even kidnap us in the first place, and then be so nice? It doesn't make sense."

Abby shrugged, "I have no idea, but we need to get them to explain it to us. Not the love at first sight comment that I feel is what they would use as an excuse. That we possibly wouldn't be with them if otherwise. That's a load of crap."

Isabelle nodded in agreement, "yes, we need to get them to explain, one way or another. I don't think I'll be able to leave without knowing why."

Abby nodded her head in agreement, "yeah, me too."


Hoped you like it. Tell me what you think. They are obviously not leaving without each other and are wondering why the boys would kidnap them.




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