Chapter 16: Attack

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Isabelle backed up away from the rogue slowly. What was she supposed to do in these types of situations? She didn't know what, all she knew was that she was scared and this rogue could kill her in an instant.

The rogue stalked towards her slowly, as if he was playing with her. She could feel her heartbeat picking up in fear and knew she wouldn't be able to outrun him even if she wanted to, he was to close for her to even try to run. The rogue suddenly jumped at her and she quickly jumped to the side but he managed to get a claw on her arm, scratching down the length of it. She screamed again and started running, holding her arm. All she hoped was that Jared or Luke could get it before it got her.

Something rammed into her back and Isabelle knew it was the rogue. She screamed once again as she went down on the ground and felt the hot breath of the rogue on her back and she shuddered, not in a good way. He chuckled a wolf like chuckle and Isabelle instantly froze at the sound, if anything, the sound made her terrified.

Isabelle felt claws in her back and that made her wince more, feeling herself bleed. The weight was suddenly off of her and she thought that it was Jared that came to save her. But she was wrong. She could tell because the rogue grabbed a hold of her t-shirt and started dragging her backwards into the woods. Isabelle started cryinng instantly and struggled to get away, but it was no use, the rogue became rougher while pulling her away and she cried out to Jared for her to come save her, or for anyone, before her world went black.

Jared's P.O.V.

He heard Isabelle scream and he looked over at her, distracted for a moment to see what was going on. He saw the rogue and he growled but because of this, the rogue took advantage of the situation. The rogue threw him up off of him, throwing Jared against a tree. Jared was stunned for a moment but stood up and shook his head, clearing it.

He growled again and stalked towards the rogue, trying to kill him as fast as possible so he could get back to his mate. Jared heard her scream again and saw her being dragged off into the woods by that rogue. She looked terrible. He became more furious and again, the rogue took advantage of his distraction and rammed into him, pinning him on the ground.

Turning back towards him, Jared growled and snapped at him, pushing him off. He wasn't going to let some puny get to him that easily. Deciding to stop wasting time, Jared went to the rogue for the killing blow.

His claws sliced across the rogues neck and he fell limp to the ground, dead. Jared then looked up and started racing towards his mate, trying to get to her before the rogue took her away from him. His paws thudded heavily on the ground as he ran.

Up ahead, he saw his mate, past out, with the rogue dragging her roughly across the ground, not even caring that he was scrapping her up terribly. Jared howled before racing and jumping on the rogue's back, getting him away from Isabelle. He wanted to make this wolf pay with a slow painful death for trying to take his Isabelle away from him, but he knew that wasn't going to happen, he needed to kill him quickly to rid him of the world.

The rogue growled and bit his paw, making Jared yowl in pain. He jumped off of him before jumping back into the fight, forgetting the pain for the moment, and ranked his claws down the side of his pelt. The rogue howled and Jared went back in for the killing blow but he missed.

The rogue spun around real fast and ran off into the woods, away from them, disappearing into the night.

Jared shifted back into human form and hurried over to his mate, crouching down beside her and picking her up in his arms, cradling her close to his body. He was furious with what almost happened and that the rogue had gotten away but he was worried over his mate right now and that was more important.

Jared rocked back and forth with her in his arms, soothing her and brushing hair out of her face. He slowly started to walk back to where the car had crashed with her in her arms.

Once he was back, he headed towards the car and laid her down on a seat before grabbing a pair of shorts and slipping them on. Luckily, it was only the front that had been his and not the sides of car so the middle and back hadn't been damaged beside glass breaking.

He grabbed Isabelle again and sat down on the ground, his world revolving around her for the moment as he forgot about everything else.

The pack member came with a car a few minutes later and between all this, somewhere around there Abby had been beside Isabelle, wanting her to wake up and crying. Everything was loaded up and before they knew it, they were all driving back to the pack house.


Sorry for the wait and sorry for how bad the fight is, or at least the description is in my opinion. I've never written one before. But anyways, I hope you like it, I tired to make the fight as good as possible.

Can somebody also tell me how to get a picture on here off to the side? Thanks.




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