Chapter 2: At the Mall

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"How about this?" Abby asked, holding up a yellow top with a black diagonal stripe going from the top right side of the garment to the bottom left.

Isabelle shook her head vehemently. "No way! You know how much I hate yellow. Why would you even suggest that one?"

"I know, I know, but it would have looked cute on you." Abby replied. She grudgingly placed it back on the rack and continued to look through the throng of clothes.

Abby already had an arsenal of items and was no longer looking for anything for herself. She dug through every rack of the store trying to find her style-impaired friend some clothes that weren't her usual attire of sweat pants and workout clothes. Isabelle had only a few cute clothing items for the rare times that she went out in public. She loved shopping, but she could never find anything cute enough to be worth buying.

After a while of fruitless searching, the girls gave up on the current store they were in. Abby pleaded with Isabelle to try just one more store, and after a bit of persuasion she agreed. As they walked into the store, something caught Isabelle's eye. She was curious, but decided to follow Abby to the back of the store since she was the fashion expert.

Abby held up various items that would have looked cute on Isabelle, but nothing stood out to her. She vetoed them all for one reason or another. Too revealing, too tight, too baggy. After an exceptionally big no to a leather mini skirt, Abby finally gave up and decided to call it quits.

They were almost to the exit when Abby squealed and rushed over to a nearby rack. She held up the hanger and showed it to Isabelle. She was astounded to hear the words "I love it" come from the green-eyed girl. She stood there mesmerized and stared at the outfit in Abby's hand. Isabelle took the hanger from Abby and stroked the fabric lovingly. It was a beautiful purple top with a black jacket and belt that strapped around the waist. Isabelle could easily see herself in this.

Abby, ecstatic about finally finding something cute that her friend actually liked, hastily pushed Isabelle toward the dressing rooms. "Go try it on then! I want to see how fabulous you look in it." She gushed.

Isabelle laughed at her friend's excitement. "Alright, alright. I'm going, calm down."

She maneuvered between the hundreds of racks and into the dressing room, Abby trailing behind. She drew the line at Abby going into the room with her. If it ended up looking horrible, she would be the only one to see it. Isabelle stripped her top off and carefully pulled on the purple top. The jacket was next and it fit perfectly. She turned to look into the dressing room mirror, and smiled wide at her reflection.

It was perfect.

It seemed to match perfectly with her skin tone, and it brought out the brightness in her hair, giving her an edgy look. The deep purple fabric brought the green out in her eyes, making them look intense. Isabelle grinned as she stared at herself, and then stepped out of the room so that Abby could see her.

Abby turned around when she heard the door open, indicating that Isabelle was done, and what she saw made her eyes grow wide. "Jesus, Izzy, that outfit looks amazing on you. You are totally getting that! No If's, And's, or But's about it, missy."

Isabelle laughed and shook her head. "Don't worry. No If's, And's or But's from me. I absolutely love it. Good job Abby!" She hugged her friend tightly, glad that she had her own personal fashion guru. Abby smiled and blushed from the praise. Isabelle turned and headed into the dressing room, eager to change so she could purchase her new outfit.

When she emerged, Abby grabbed her hand. "Come on, let's go pay for it."

They headed to the register and Isabelle grudgingly handed it over to the sulky redhead behind the counter. She scanned the price tag and popped off the security device that was on the jacket collar.

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