Chapter 18: Wake up

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It was so dark. That was all she could see, she couldn't see anything else around her. She wanted to wake up but she didn't know how. She was yearning for something to happen but for what, she didn't know.

Isabelle stood up from the dark ground and started to walk blindly to nowhere, looking for any type of light. It was just to dark for her, she was afraid of this type of darkness.

She felt something shift in her body and heard the quiet words of, "I love you." It sounded like Jared to her but could she just be dreaming? She didn't know, she must have been. There was nothing anywhere to indicate that anything had happened.

She then started to feel something happen to her. Something finally! she thought to herself. Something touched her lips and she was about to press up and lean into them before she was pulled back and whatever it was pull away from her.

She sighed. She wanted the feel of that again but she doubted it would happen while it was in this state, whatever it was.

Isabelle then saw a big white ball coming towards her. She blinked and shielded her eyes, it being the only thing she saw other than darkness out of all this time. She slowly took her hand away when she saw the light grow longer and many other colors started to form around it. Only one thought came to her mind, am I dead?

The thought was interrupted when she looked at the women before her, one she had never seen before. She was the most beautiful person that she had ever seen in her life. The women had long, white hair with bright blue eyes that looked friendly and loving enough but could turn cold at any moment. She was also wearing a long, white dress that seemed to flow anywhere she went, even just standing there. Once Isabelle got rid of the shock of how beautiful this woman was, she took in her surroundings and saw that she was standing in a forest, one of the most easily to be ever seen and not anywhere on earth. There were diamonds on the flowers where bees go to pollinate and there were a few diamonds on the trees, hanging down like ice crystals surrounded by leaves. Isabelle sighed, thinking that this was the best place to ever be.

Isabelle then looked over at the women and held back her shock as she asked the question that came to her mind earlier. "Am I dead?"

The woman laughed and shook her head. "No, you're not sweetheart. To everyone on the outside, yes, you are, and your mate is throwing a big fit about it, which is to be expected. But don't worry, you'll be awake soon enough and will be able to go back to the ones that you love real soon."

"What? You mean Jared? But I don't love him," Isabelle told the woman.

She shook her head and replied to Isabelle, "you will soon my dear, you will soon."

"How do you know that?" Isabelle asked incredulous at how this stranger could know something like that.

"Just trust me," the woman said, "you don't have to love him right now, you can continue doing what you're doing, but I'm just telling you that you're going to fall for him soon. Now, to stop with all this talk, do you have any questions for me?"

Isabelle nodded, "I do actually, why am I having dreams of werewolves?"

The woman laughed, "just not dreams of werewolves. But you will find out soon my dear, real soon, but I must go now. You're waking up. I'll talk to you soon." With that, the woman disappeared, along with everything else, leaving Isabelle really confused. She had more questions, like why was she dying on the outside for others but she only talked to her for that brief period of time until she did wake up? It didn't make since. She started walking towards what was left of light and color in the world and she suddenly opened her eyes and she was met with the bright blue ones of her mate.

"Isabelle?" she had heard before opening her eyes. He was holding on to her hand tightly in a death grip and didn't feel like he was letting go soon. She smiled slightly and said, "hey," not really knowing where that was coming from.

Jared broke out into a grin and he hugged her tightly to him. "Oh, I'm so glad that you're alright. I thought that you were dead." She could feel tears on her neck from where he had buried his head and became confused, he was crying over her? Why? Did she really mean that much to him?

Isabelle sighed and slowly wrapped her arms around him also, wincing a little from the pain that caused her to do that. Jared lifted his head and looked into her eyes. "I thought that I lost you. I thought you were never coming back to me. Please don't do that to me again."

Isabelle shook her head, "I can't promise you that. But I will try my best not to let it happen."

"That's all I ask," Jared told her and kissed her forehead softly. He then looked up at all the shocked nurses and doctors and asked, "when can I take her home?"

The pack doctor cleared his throat and said, "we would like to keep her here over night to see how she's doing but if you don't want her to and take her home now, we can do that, I'll just come over in the morning to see how see's fairing."

Jared nodded, "I think I'll take her home now, thank you."

"Can you come with me for a moment Alpha? I need to talk to you," the pack doctor said.

Jared nodded and answered, "I will." He then looked down at Isabelle and said, "I'll be right back." He stepped away from her and Isabelle suddenly felt empty and watched him walk away from her.

She sighed and rested back against the pillow that was behind her head and looked around at the colorless room. She hated going to the hospital, everything just so dreary and uncheerful.

Jared came back a few minutes later with some clothes in his hand for her to go change into. "Here you go," he told her holding them out to her.

She took her clothes and stood up. She was a little wobbly and Jared offered, "do you need help? I can take you to the bathroom if you need it."

Isabelle shook her head, "no, I think I'm good. I don't need your help." She walked to the bathroom slowly and closed the door behind her. Turning around, Isabelle saw how awful she looked. Her hair was a mes and she was wrapped in several bandages, the most being around her arm and torso. Her eyes had heavy bags under them and her lip was split but looked mostly healed. Her legs also had some bandages on them but not as much. What happened to me after I went under? she wondered. Turning her head away, she started to change into the clothes that Jared had brought her and took off the hospital gown that she was wearing.

After she was done, Isabelle grabbed a brush that was on the sink and slowly brushed her hair, wincing almost every time that her hair was pulled. When she was done, she walked out of the bathroom and over to Jared.

"Ready to go?" Jared asked standing up from a chair. Isabelle then noticed a smashed chair off to the side of the room but didn't acknowledge it as she nodded her head, "yes, I am."

Jared smiled and came over, taking her hand. Maybe, just maybe, she thought, it wouldn't be so bad to stay.


Hey, here's the next chapter. I hope you like it. I know it isn't the best moon goddess incounter but I tried. Hopefully next time, if there is a next time, it will be better. Anyways, comment, I like hearing your thoughts.




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