Chapter 3: I found my Mate!

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Jared sighed and rolled his eyes at his Beta. He was very annoyed with him at the moment for winning all of the matches so far. He wasn't shy to admit that pool wasn't his forte - air hockey either, for that matter - but Luke didn't have to rub it in so much.

He relieved a bit of his pent-up frustration by punching his beta in the arm, hard. Jared knew that given his werewolf strength, it would certainly leave a bruise. He was a bit disappointed that their excessive healing would cause it to disappear in seconds.

Luke rubbed his sore arm, the dull pain already fading away. To everyone else in the crowded mall, it would look like nothing more than a playful punch between humans. In reality Jared had punched Luke with only a mere fraction of his true strength.

"I give up!" Jared muttered angrily, throwing his hands up. "I can't win a single game against you!"

Luke smirked at him. "Look, you should have given up after the first four games. Why can't you just accept that I'm better at something than you are? Stop being so jealous."

"I'm not jealous," Jared countered, "I'm much better than you at way more important things than pool and air hockey."

"Nope, you're jealous," Luke stated, refusing to give up.

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Fine!" Jared exclaimed, fed up with the ever-reoccurring argument. "If I admit to being jealous, will you finally shut up?"

"Yes," Luke deadpanned. He crossed his arms and waited to hear the words that he had so longed to hear from his Alpha's mouth.

Jared rolled his eyes and looked away. "Yes, I'm jealous." He murmured under his breath.

Luke held a hand to his ear and spoke obnoxiously loud. "I'm sorry Alpha, I didn't quite catch that."

Jared snarled lowly and balled his fists. He took a deep, calming breath and let it out slowly. "Yes, Luke, I am jealous. Are you happy now?"

Luke nodded, a grin stretching from ear to ear. "Yes, very."

Jared was most certainly not jealous, at least not in his own mind. Sure he wished that he was a better pool player, but that didn't make him jealous did it?

Jared rolled his eyes at Luke's audacity and shoved his friend slightly, causing him to stumble. "Let's go get something to eat, douchebag. I'm starving."

"You're always hungry," Luke replied with his own eye-roll. "But yeah, I'm hungry too. I think I'm in the mood for a taco..." he murmured, deep in thought about potential edibles.

"I only eat that much because I'm a werewolf. You eat almost as much as I do." Jared thought toward Luke in the pack mind link, careful of the humans that surrounded them in the arcade.

"Yeah, whatever dude. Use that excuse. Whatever helps you sleep at night," Luke thought back with amusement.

Jared huffed in annoyance and promptly walked out into the sea of people, leaving a scrambling Beta to catch up to him.

Jared was in the mood for something sweet, and he scanned the food court for an appropriate place to snack at. The crowd milled around them, filling their noses with different scents and assaulting their ears with useless, annoying chatter. He tended to avoid large crowds like these, but today he had made an exception. Jared and his Beta had traveled to this city to help train a new pack, and since today was their last day in town they wanted to treat themselves a bit.

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