Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Isabelle loved the beach. Ever since she had graduated, she had done nothing more than lie in the sand and soaked up the sun. Abigail, or Abby as she liked to be called, accompanied her on many of these sun-filled days since summer had begun. Abby sat next to her in the hot sand, soaking up the rays and talking to her best friend.

"I can't believe that school's out and that we've finally graduated," Abby said leisurely. "We can do whatever we want, when we want to, for the entire summer until we go off to college."

"I know!" Isabelle said with a grin, excited about the whole ordeal and squealing slightly. "A whole summer of fun. It's going to be great. I wonder what we're going to do for the rest of it, besides laying in the sand all day."

Abigail shrugged before grinning. "I don't know, but I know what we should do right now." she paused for dramatic effect. "Shopping!"

They both squealed at that and Isabelle happily replied, "Yes, let's."

Grinning, they gathered up their towels that were lying neatly on the sand.

Abby finished gathering her things first, and trudged away through the thick sand, leaving Isabelle to carry the rest of the supplies they brought out.

Isabelle sighed and shook her head. She was used to picking up after Abby. The girl thought she already did too much, which was completely insane. Whenever Abby's room needed a good cleaning, Isabelle would be the one to do the job. She knew Abby's room better than Abby did, and she knew exactly where everything was placed. If something was lost, she knew to run to Isabelle. It frustrated her at times how lazy Abby really was.

Isabelle picked up the once-full food basket from the sand and shook it, hoping to get all the little grains off. She hooked the basket over one arm and used her other to shake the golden sand off of her towel.

"Come on, slow poke!" Abigail yelled from the deck. She gestured at Isabelle to hurry up before disappearing inside the house.

Isabelle sighed and rolled her eyes as she trudged onto the porch steps that led to the deck.

Isabelle loved her beach house, but the only reason she still lived here was because the home had been passed down from generation to generation. The land was beautiful, and the house had a wonderful view of the ocean. When it had been passed down into her father's possession, he had torn it down to build a newer, more modern version. It was bigger and sturdier, made to last through any type of weather conditions.

Once Isabelle was inside, she sat the basket on the ground and headed to her room to change into something more appropriate to wear to the mall. When she entered, Isabelle spotted Abby rifling through her closet like she owned it. It irritated her to no end.

"Really, Abby? Again?" Isabelle griped. "How many times do we have to go through this? You don't need to go through my clothes to find something cute to wear, especially when you have your own dresser in here! You basically pack your entire closet when you come over, anyway."

"But I love your clothes! You just seem to always have what I want to wear..." Abby whined.

Because this was basically Abby's second home, she had a huge dresser right next to Isabelle's in her room. It was the same way at Abby's house.

Isabelle sighed. "Whatever, Abby. Just take your own clothes. You'll be happier at the end of the day anyway because I won't be on your back about it since you steal my clothes all the time."

Abby sighed dramatically. "Fine. I'll wear my own clothes." She trudged over to her colossal dresser. The thing was so huge, it had space to hang clothes inside like a boudoir, which annoyed Isabelle even more. Why did she have to steal Isabelle's clothing when there was plenty of room to store her own?

Isabelle shook her head and laughed at her silly friend. She walked over to her closet and dug through it, looking for anything to wear besides sweats and a T-shirt.

It took her a couple of minutes, but she finally found an outfit that met her standards. It consisted of blue jean shorts and a black camisole tank top and her favorite pair of tennis shoes.

Isabelle stared at her long dirty blond hair that went all the way down to her waist, along with her bright green eyes. She may be short, but she figured her body made up for it and she was not to skinny.

Isabelle glanced at Abby, a bit scared to leave her alone in her room again for fear of her clothing. Finally she gave up, sighed, and walked into the bathroom to do some finishing touches. She quickly put on some mascara and called it good on makeup and pulled her hair up in a ponytail. Satisfied she left the bathroom and hoped Abby hadn't made too much of a mess or gotten into her clothes.

Abby was waiting for her when she walked back into her room. Her bright blue eyes sparkled with excitement. She wore short blue jean shorts with tears in them and a light blue shirt that brought out the lightness of her shoulder-length blonde hair. Well, Isabelle was surprised and satisfied Abby wore her own clothes.

They grinned at each other, thinking the exact same thing. They looked good. Isabelle walked over to her desk and grabbed her phone and purse off of it. "Ready to go?" she asked Abby.

Abby nodded with a smile on her face. "I was born ready," she countered. She grabbed her purse as well and headed for the door.

Isabelle followed her outside to the car. They both buckled themselves in and put on their sunglasses. Isabelle threw the car in drive, and they took off like a speeding bullet into the hot summer day and towards the Mall.


So here's my first chapter, I hope you guys like it.

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