Chapter 31: Massage

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Off to the side is a image of what I think of Abby


This heat was terrible, Isabelle didn't like the fact that she wasn't able to leave the room until it was done. The only good thing that probably came out of heat was the fact that she got to spend some time with Jared, even if it wasn't in the way she had planned it.

When it was finally over, Isabelle sat up tiredly when she woke up. She hadn't been able to get much sleep for the last few days since it started. She had only been able to get naps few and far between. Isabelle just hoped that this didn't happen again. But she learned from Jared that it will happen again to her until they fully complete the mating process. Isabelle just wondered when that will be. It was all up to her after all.

Isabelle got up out of bed to look for Jared when the sound of the shower finally filtered through to her ears. She smiled slightly and got up, walking slowly towards the bathroom and opening the door. She was pretty much used to being around him nude now, that's really all that she had been since her heat had started.

Isabelle was stiff and sore and felt like a shower would loosen her up. Her muscles were stiff and tired after being in a few uncomfortable positions for a while. Or maybe a back massage would be good, yeah, that would be best. Or both a back massage and a shower at the same time. That was even better.

Isabelle opened the curtain, revealing Jared in all his glory. Jared turned around to face her and he smiled. "So, have you decided to join me?" he asked.

Isabelle nodded tiredly and climbed in. Jared wrapped his arms around her, her back being pressed against his chest. She honestly couldn't believe how she could have gotten comfortable around him like this so fast. She's never been like this with anyone so of course it was a bit weird for her.

Isabelle felt his friend on her lower back and it turned her on. Her body responding to his though he was barely doing anything. It instantly woke her up from her tiredness and she pressed against him more. His hands rested just below her stomach and after a moment she asked, "hey, can you give me a back massage? I would really like one and I think it will make me feel better."

Jared leaned back and away from her. She could feel himself smiling against her head and heard him say, "of course, love. You don't ever need to ask for one. But then again, I guess you do so I know you want one," he joked slightly.

Jared started giving her a back massage and Isabelle moaned. She closed her eyes, loving the feeling of this and pretty soon, he started to massage her everywhere you could imagine... literally. Isabelle groaned when he did this. But after a while, it all seemed to end to soon.

Isabelle got out of the shower with Jared and she grabbed a towel, wrapping it around herself and walking towards the closet. She quickly picked out some clothes, feeling refreshed and much better for the day now, and walked out of the closet to meet Jared on the other side. Her outfit consisted of black sweat pants that look like they could be used as nice dress up pants, and a t-shirt with a cute squirrel or chipmunk on it. She don't really know what the animal was, but that's what she thought it was. Anyways it said, 'if you want a friend, get a dog!'

Isabelle didn't really know when and where she got the t-shirt but she felt like it matched her personality sometimes. And frankly, she was feeling a little cranky. Maybe some food will cheer her up since she was starving because she hadn't eaten for who know's how long.

Jared laughed when he saw her shirt and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her in a hug. "Yeah, that is totally you," he chuckled.

Isabelle blushed and pulled away. "Okay, whatever you say, but can we get going, I'm kind of hungry."

Jared nodded, "yeah, let's go." He then took Isabelle's hand and led her down to the kitchen.


Sorry it's so short, but I'm tired and I want to go to bed. But I felt like I should update because you all seem to love my story so much. Thank you so much by the way! I can't do it without you! Now I have a goal for this book and I wonder if it can actually make it to the first or second page of the werewolf list. I don't care if I get the number one spot, I just want to know my story is good enough to make it to the, Idk, 50th place(I know this is the 4th page in case you're wondering)? Can you all help me with this? I want to see how far this book can go. If you like this book...




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