Chapter 7: Freedom! Or not...

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"Isabelle!" a familiar voice screamed just as she finished her cereal. She turned around in alarm to see Abby running towards from coming down the hall that came from the steps.

Isabelle stood up in alarm and ran over to her best friend. "Abby!" She wrapped her in a tight hug, relieved that she knew what had happened to Abby but sad that she was in the same position as her. Isabelle unwrapped herself from her and asked, "what are you doing here?"

Abby shrugged, "I could ask you the same thing, but it looks to me that we both have boys who think they're in love with us and kidnapped us instead of trying to come to the door and ask us out like normal people and gain our trust in them."

"Wow Abby, did you figure all this out already and gave a somewhat good speech to me as to why this is happening?" She was joking but it was true, she didn't think that Abby could have come up with that conclusion all on her own.

Abby shook her head, "no, this guy, Luke, behind me told me, or at least looked like it. I just understand the reason why they would kidnap us when they could have acted like normal human beings, or gentlemen at least."

Isabelle shrugged before saying with a small grin, "the world may never know." She quoted off a tv commercial, thinking this a good time as any to use it.

Abby smiled at that before her it dropped. Isabelle turned around to see what was going on and saw that the two guys who kidnapped them were standing behind them only a couple of feet away. She sighed and turned to Abby with a look on her face. They both knew each other so well that they could tell what the other was thinking. Abby nodded in agreement with a small smirk on her face before dropping it so they wouldn't look suspicious.

Turning back around, Isabelle looked like she usually did around Jared, mostly so he wouldn't get suspicious of anything. They both trudged up to the males and Isabelle sighed, "what am I allowed to do around here? Do I have to stick to your side 24/7? Do I get some freedom? Are you going to tie me up? Am-"

Jared held up a hand, stopping her from going any farther. "Hold on, I am not going to tie you up. I would never do that, unless I have to. Second, I will give you some freedom, but that is only when I trust you. If you can cooperate with me and not fight me, I will allow you to do almost anything you want, except leave. Got it?"

Isabelle sighed and nodded as she looked down. "Yes, I got it." She looked over at Abby while she looked down and they both gave a signal. With that, Isabelle looked up at him and at the same time, both girls kneed them where the sun don't shine and made a dash for the door.

Isabelle could hear them grunt in pain and fall down to the ground, most likely withering, or at least that was what Isabelle was imagining. Isabelle laughed along with Abby and yelled, "so long suckers! Hope to never see you again!"

They made it to the door and they ran out, going as fast as possible across the land. But what Isabelle wasn't expecting was to find a forest surrounding them on all sides. "Oh just perfect," she muttered out loud, "a fucking forest. How in the world are we going to find a way through this?"

Abby looked up at the sky like the world hated her and said, "I don't know, but we better find a way before those two idiots come after us!"

They both ran towards the forest but before they got to the forest line, they were both tackled to the ground by the two assholes who kidnapped them.

"You're not going anywhere mate," Jared told her, leaning down and saying it in her ear. What was he saying? She was not his friend! So why call her that? If he thought they were close friends, he was sadly mistaken and knew he needed a rude awakening.

"Go to hell," Isabelle snapped as she was roughly, but somehow gently, pulled up from the forest floor by the black haired, blue eyed, beauty. She felt the tingles all over her and just wanted them to stop. It made her want to be with him and do things with him. She could already imag- snap out of it Isabelle! You don't want to do any of those things. He freaking kidnapped you! Why would you even think this? She scolded herself.

"Only if you go with me, but nah, I think I'm good." Jared then started walking back to the house, or mansion, but Isabelle struggled. Getting annoyed, Jared turned around flung her over his shoulder before he continued to walk. Oh great, she thought, there was now definitely no way we are going to get out of here now. Isabelle looked over at Abby hopelessly. Their one taste of freedom snatched out from under them. Abby was in the same situation as her and Isabelle wished that it was only her in this situation and not Abby also. But she was also glad that her best friend was with her. She knew it was selfish but she couldn't help it.

"Oh and princess," Jared said as they walked into the pack house, "after that stunt you just pulled, you're not going to be leaving my side for a while. A long while. So I suggest you behave unless you want this to last longer."

Isabelle shivered at the thought, she was excited at the idea that he would always be around her but she wanted him to be as far away from her as possible also.

They made it into the living room and just wanted down off of his shoulder. She didn't know where they were going or when he was going to put her down. Jared kept walking up to his room and once they were inside, he closed the door.

She sighed and asked, "can you put me down now?" All she wanted was to be off of his shoulder but somewhere in the back of her mind, something told her that he was enjoying the view. It's not like she was complaining either about the view, because who could blame her? It was a nice butt.

"Sure thing sweetheart," Jared said with a smirk. Isabelle tensed when she felt his hand on her butt, but all he did was let her down like that. Did he really have to do that? She shivered a little bit but tried to disguise it as disgust. He sat her down but didn't move, keeping his hand where it was. Isabelle glared at him, she couldn't exactly move do to the wall that was behind her and the position she was in, him holding her in place. She squirmed but he still didn't move. Isabelle looked at his eyes and saw them turn to a black color before changing back to his bright blue ones. Whoa, was she imagining things? Did his eyes just turn black?

After a moment, Jared took a step back from her with a grin and said, "what would you like to do sweetheart? Besides run away of course, I can't allow you to do that."

Isabelle rolled her eyes and ignored the sweetheart part. "Why scared that I might tell on you? Oh, and I have an idea, how about you go to hell?"

Jared shook his head in amusement, "no can do. We've already gone through this, and besides, if you have no idea, I guess we'll just stay here. How does that sound?"

Could this day get any worse?


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