Chapter 35: Run

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Well yay! Three people have gotten all of my riddles right so three dedications are needed.

What's the longest word in the dictionary - Smiles, there's a mile between the s'.
This chapter is dedicated to jade1423

A blue house is made out of blue bricks, a red house is made out of red bricks, a yellow house is made out of yellow bricks. What is a green house made out of? - Glass
This chapter is also dedicated to char_lotte_ for getting this riddle right.

What get's wetter as it gets dryer? - a towel
The last dedication belongs to Haley_Dawn0116


Jared stood in front of Isabelle as if to protect her and growled at the rogues, "leave!"

Why did this always have to happen to me? I'm just trying to have a good time and then they have to always come a ruin it. She sighed and stayed behind Jared but peeked out over his shoulder.

The rogue leader growled and turned into a human. It was the same rogue from all the times before this. What did he want from me? Why was I so important? "Give us the girl," the rogue growled.

Jared growled at them, "never." He then told Isabelle through mind link. "Run, run as far and as fast away as you can from here. Get back and get to the pack house. It's easy to find, just keep running straight once you reach our house, otherwise find Luke. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

Isabelle shook her head, on the edge of tears, "no, I'm not leaving you!"

"You have to!" Jared answered, "it's the best way to get help. Plus, I'll be worrying about you if you're here and I can't really do that. Now when I say run, you run."

Isabelle slowly nodded after a moment, only because she wanted to help him get out of this. There was no way he could defend twenty rogues by himself. It just wasn't possible.

"Run!" Jared yelled just as rogues started to advance towards them and take a leap.

Isabelle shot off like a light, running through the woods, just like she was told to do. She didn't dare look back in fear that she would be frozen in place and wanting to go help him. But she wasn't trained, she didn't know how to fight. How would she be able to help him if she couldn't even protect herself?

She took deep breaths, trying to get as much air as possible as she ran. Her heart was beating loudly and she heard the howls behind her. All she was thinking was, need to get back, need to get back. Need to get him some help. There was no other way for this to happen, if she wanted him to survive. She needed to get him some help before he died trying to protect her.

Her feet thumped against the forest floor, her heart beat speeding up with every passing second. If only she could just make it and tell the others about it, they'd be there soon to save him. There were just too many of them for even him to handle. Isabelle ran faster, knowing that if she made it in time, he could be saved.

She heard rogues following closely behind her, making her skin boil. Why? Why did they have to follow her? If she got caught, who would be there to go back to send help for Jared? No one, and she knew that. She looked back for a moment to see them hot on her trail, but that was a mistake because right when she turned her head away, she tripped over a root and fell.

Isabelle screamed as she fell down to the ground, scraping her knees and elbows on the soft forest floor that was covered in sticks. The rogues kept getting closer, and closer. Her heart picked up in fear and she knew that there was no way she would get to the house now. Her ankle felt twisted and if she got up to run, there was no way she would be able to make it back to the house in time to get help from Luke for Jared, just no possible way. She would be running to slow and before she knew it, she would be caught and possibly dead by then.

Isabelle closed her eyes and awaited her death that was for sure to come. She backed up slightly to gain her a bit more distance to buy her a few precious seconds of life. Just as she was feeling the hot breath of one rogue on her face she started to think of all the things she never did get to do, her main thought being, Jared, I'm so sorry, I wish I could have helped and be there for you when you got out of this. She opened her eyes just in time to see the rogue leap at her and-.


Hehe, you probably hate me for leaving a cliff hanger like that, but I'm just going to say, I was going to make it longer, but I decided to just leave it off right there. What do you think's going to happen?

Great job to all those people who got my riddles correct. Sorry iamswimming, I know you got one right but one of them was just faster than you. Next two riddles. These should be easy.

What goes up but never comes down?

What goes down but never goes up?

Let's try to get thirty votes before my next update. If you liked this chaper....




P.S. sorry for not being able to have all of you guys up there Just know that the chapter is dedicated to all of you!

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