Chapter 5: Kidnapped

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No matter how heartbroken they were, they knew that once their mates were gone, they would be gone forever. They couldn't let that happen.

Jared and Luke stalked toward their vehicle with long, sure strides. "Their heading west, toward the ocean," Luke muttered to his Alpha. "If we hurry, we can catch up to them."

"Come on, then!" Jared growled and they both ran over to their van. Jared was glad they had decided to take the van instead of his truck. With what he had planned, the bulletproof glass and tinted windows would come in handy.

The boys sped along the road that the girls had taken, keeping a sharp eye out. They scanned every car along the way, hoping to catch a glance of their mates. "There!" Luke shouted loudly, startling Jared. The Alpha looked up and nearly howled with joy when he saw his mate's car speeding along the highway. He set the cruise control to match their speed and followed behind them a few car lengths back. It wasn't long after when the boys saw their mates pull into a dirt driveway to a large beach house. Jared saw the girls pile out of the car with their shopping bags, and drove past them. He circled the block a few times to seem less suspicious. On the fourth lap, Luke signaled for Jared to pull over.

Jared parked the van a few houses down from Isabelle's and sat there for a moment. It was silent until Luke shakily spoke. "So...what's the plan, Boss?"

Jared looked over at Luke grimly. "There is only one way that they will ever be with us, and that is if we kidnap them. I don't want to do it, but that's how it has to be. They'll probably hate us for it when they wake up, but it'll be worth it. We'll have to win their trust slowly. After the performance at the mall, I can already tell that they're going to be a bit of a handful. I can stand knowing that my mate is angry with me if it means keeping her safe with me."

Luke nodded. "I understand, Alpha. If this is the only way to be with my mate, I'm in." He then looked thoughtful for a moment and asked, "How exactly are we going to go about doing this?"

Jared shrugged. "I had hoped you had an idea because we can't just walk right through the front door and say, 'Hey! We're here to kidnap you and take you to our home to live with us forever because we're werewolves and you're our mates!' I don't think that would blow over very well."

Luke nodded in agreement. "You're right. What if we went in while they were sleeping? That would be easier. Less of a hassle. I think Daniel left some Chloroform in the back of the van last time we sent him out. The only thing we need are some snacks for the road in case the girls wake up hungry."

"Good idea," Jared replied. He smirked after a moment. "Though, I seriously doubt there will be any snacks left when they wake up." He looked at Luke and grinned widely, his stomach growling again. Luke laughed loudly.

Luke shook his head, still chuckling. "Lets go, you bottomless pit. When we get to the gas station I'll get in the back and grab the Chloroform. You run in and get some chips or something."

Jared nodded again and put the van in drive.


They arrived back at the house a few hours later. Jared saw lights on inside the house and cursed. The boys had hoped their mates would be asleep already. It was already midnight, so the girls had to be getting tired soon.

They parked right outside Isabelle's house and Luke could see a faint outline of the television through the windows. "Looks like they're still watching T.V. I wish they would go to sleep already. The last thing we need is someone to notice a creepy van sitting outside a girl's house."

Jared nodded in agreement and looked over at the window to the living room. He sat up abruptly, banging his knee on the steering wheel. "Ow! Hey, they're getting up and leaving to go to bed. They just finished their movie."

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