Never Fear, Your Captain is Here! (Stoner x Captain)

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⚠️This story will be the slightest bit angsty.  There will be mentions of anxiety and panic attacks.⚠️

Also, apparently I'm shipping Captain with everyone (except Dum. Fuck that ship.).

Also also, there will be some platonic friendship between Stoner and Bro because why not.

Location: Mira HQ
Crewmates:  Stoner, Captain, Player, Veteran, Bro, Goober, TheGentleman, Gnome
Impostors: Mr. Cheese and Mother

Stoner's POV
I wait in the lobby for something, anything, bad to happen. So far, nothing has happened, which isn't very normal for me. I search for anything that might freak me out, and still, nothing. Maybe the worst is only to come later. I smoke some weed to try not to overthink it too much.

"Hey, Stoner!" Captain, the hottest guy here, greets me. "How've you been?" "Fine," I reply quietly, hoping that I can keep my calm, cool persona. It'd be so embarrassing to break in front of everyone here, even though I've probably done it before. "That's great!" he replies, moving on to greet the others.

Secretly, I wish I could continue talking to him. He's just so nice to talk to, and I get butterflies in my stomach every time I see him. It's not everyday for me to get like this with people, but since I've gotten to know him, I can't stop thinking about him. It sucks because I'm sure he wouldn't even consider being with a stoner like me. He'd probably rather be with someone normal like fucking Player or something.

"Stoner, dude, you're awfully quiet," my favorite blue crewmate, Bro, approaches me. "Like, more than usual." "Sorry, I'm just thinking, bro," I reply, looking up. "I just want to make sure you're ok," he comments. "Because last time you were this quiet, something was majorly wrong." "Do you want to know?" I ask, knowing that he probably won't tell anyone. If he does, I'll shove my weed down his fucking throat. "Just don't say anything to anyone." "Sure," Bro replies, shrugging. "Spill whenever you'd like."

"I have a crush on Captain."


"Shut up! People are, like, going to hear!"

"I know, I'm just saying, dude, that maybe I could be your wingman."


Damn it! I turn around to see who it is.

Of course it's Mr. Cheese.


"Shut the fuck up," Bro tells him firmly. "If you don't, I'll handle you with my fists!"

"Mmmmm, kinky!"

"Oh not like that, pervert!"

"Can we please just start the game?" Player asks. "I don't need to be involved in this." "Yeah, me neither," Veteran adds. "If you don't start, I'll just go back to Fall Guys."

"Alright, I'm starting now," Captain states, slightly red in the face.


Captain's POV


"Alright, everyone scatter!" I exclaim.  I go off to do my first task in the laboratory, and I go to think about things.  Does Stoner really like me?  Well, shucks! Not what I expected, but I really don't mind! I've just got to get my tasks done so us crewmates can win.

I sort each fossil, assemble the crystal, and then I leave.  That's when I see Goober enter, and they decide to talk to me even though I'm trying to do my tasks like a good crewmate should!

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