AUL Characters that I Headcanon as Autistic and Why

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So I've been wanting to make this for a while because I randomly got the idea, and I think it makes sense that certain characters would be autistic.  As someone who is autistic, I'll treat this topic with utmost respect.  Also, you don't have to agree with my opinions and observations, because these are just my headcanons.

Also I might compare some of the characters traits with my own traits, but I'll try to do it as little as possible in order to keep the focus on the character and not myself.

I hope I do well with my explanations! I probably won't, though.


The first character on this list, someone you probably knew would be here:

1. Mr. Cheese

This one seems to be a pretty popular headcanon, and I 100% agree with it.  I've had this headcanon for him probably ever since I first started watching the series. 

One reason I have is because of his lack of social etiquette, which is common amongst autistic people. He knows how to socialize, but he's not the most well mannered about it, often not understanding social cues. I think he'd be a good example of an extrovert that could have autism. Like, he's social and stuff, but he may seem more awkward or rude about it without even realizing it. 

Something else that might be related to autism is how he likes to repeat the phrase "My name Mr. Cheese!" I know that some autistic people, myself included, have a tendency to repeat certain words, phrases, or noises. Maybe that's a hyperfixation type thing? I'm not sure, but I think it makes sense. Also, his speech impediment could be autism related, but I'm not sure.

I also think that Mr. Cheese's special interest would be cooking because I think it fits him really well. That or gaming.


This next one is one that I'm not sure would have autism, but one that I definitely headcanon as neurodiverent in some way.

2.  Happy

Ok, so I don't know if he has autism per say, but I think he could potentially have that, ADHD, or both. A lot of those symptoms overlap in his case. I mostly just see ADHD in him, but I can also see some autism traits.  But here, I will only discuss the autistic traits he shows because 1) That's what this chapter is about, and 2) Because I don't have ADHD, I can't say for sure that I'd do a good job explaining why I think he could have it. 

Ok, anyways, one thing that I think could be related to that, and something that Mr. Cheese also does sometimes but I forgot to mention it earlier, is how Happy speaks in third person.  I've noticed in some other autistic coded characters, or rather some other characters that are speculated to have autism, have a tendency to speak in third person.  Some people with autism do this, some don't, and both are valid, it's just what depends on what comes naturally to us. 

Something else that might be autism related (or just neurodivergent related) is his attachment to Balthazar and the other pets.  It doesn't seem like a typical type of attachment, either. To be honest, I don't know how to explain how it feels different to me, it just does. It feels to me like it's a sort of a special interest in a way, like his special interest would be related to pets and taking care of pets, veterinary type stuff.  I really don't know how else to phrase that.

Yay, Felix can't figure out how to explain something that should be easy!  Yeah, that's just great!


Ok, so I've seen some people headcanon this next character as autistic, but I haven't seen a lot of it, but I do speculate that they could be autistic.

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