Parties and Anxiety (Rose x BDay)

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This one shot was requested by Average_Cat .  I hope you enjoy this one!

Content warning for anxiety and panic attacks.

Also, I'm just gonna assume that Rose and BDay live together during this entire one-shot.

Also also, I drew something for it!

BDay's POV

What's this?  I open the invitation up.

I'm hosting a party at the lobby for anyone who wants to come.  It'll be fun.  I know you guys weren't interested in the last party I tried to host, but I'm really hoping that this time is different. Thank you, let me know if you'll show up!
- Captain

A party? Oh god...

I feel bad for not showing up to the last one Captain held, especially after I heard that no one attended it.  I guess Rose and I should show up to this one so he doesn't have to be alone.  I just hope there aren't a lot of people there.  If that's the case, things are gonna get real bad.

"Hey, sweetums, did you get an invitation in the mail?" Rose asks me.  "Captain's holding another party!  I know how much you don't like parties, but I figured that if it's just Captain and them that you'll be ok."

"It'll be ok," I reassure her.  "If it's a Captain party, a lot of people probably aren't going to show up."

"I guess you're right," she replies.  "I'll keep my eyes on you, though, hun."

"I'll be ok, I swear!" I tell her.

"Ok," she replies, shrugging. "If you insist."

Rose's POV
A party?  Well, that sounds fun, but I'm worried about BDay going. You see, he's had pretty severe social anxiety for as long as I remember. He tries to cover this up by acting all cheery and stuff around other people, but on the inside, he's a hot mess. He's my hot mess, though!

Every time we've gone to parties with a lot of people, he's had severe panic attacks and we had to leave. I try my best to keep him calm as long as I can before we leave, and then I just drive the two of us home.  From then, we'll generally cuddle and watch a movie.  That usually calms him down.

Since this one's just gonna be Captain and maybe a few other people, it's probably going to be alright, right?  I don't think a lot of people will be there, anyway.  The party's being hosted by Captain:  how crowded could it be?

I ask him one more time if he's sure.

"Yeah, it'll be fine, don't worry about it!"

"Ok, sweetie. If you need to go home, though, I'll gladly take you!"

"Ok, Rose.  I love you!"

"I love you, too."

BDay's POV
A few days have passed, and it's almost time for the party. I'm sure I'll be ok, considering a lot of people probably won't be there. Right?

Rose and I join the lobby, where for some reason, there isn't a limit to how many people are there. Is it for plot convenience? Probably.

Right now, it's just Captain, Stoner, Rose, and I. This seems fine.

"Welcome, BDay and Rose!" Captain greets us. "There's food and stuff...Stoner, did you eat everything over there?"

"Sorry, I've got the munchies baaaaad today," he replies, seeming to be inhaling something.

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