Squid Game Logic: A Reaction

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Before we begin, I'd like to say that there are some spoilers for the episode in this chapter.  Also, a lot of it probably won't make sense without context, though, so have fun with that.

Oh shit, it's Veteran!

Shh, Player, no you're not.

You're telling me you don't recognize your best friend?!

Wait, Veteran, how do you know what jail's like?!  Oh wait...


Oof again.

Wait WHAT?!

Ohh...well, now we know Veteran's astrological sign.


Whoa that's a lot of money.

Ooooooo more hoomans.

Noob is that you?

Player, you're a child.

Stfu Player.

Again Player, shut the fuck up.

Oof, someone died.

Veteran obviously said that, idiot.

HOLY SHIT WAS THAT DUM?!  Or am I dumb...

Using other people as a stepping stool, I see...

She saved him?  But why?

He actually made it?


What's gonna happen?  Idk I've never watched Squid Game.

Veteran's gonna choose to continue, isn't he?

But isn't it tied 50/50?

Dammit, Veteran.

Yeah, that's it for this chapter.

Among Us Logic ShitOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz