Titanic (Platonic GentleEgg Fluff)

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Look who's finally doing requests because he actually has the motivation to!  That's right, me! I'm sorry for not doing them after, like, a month, I'll try to get them done soon, especially since I'm out of school for now.

This one-shot was requested (or rather, "ordered") by @TheCrazyTyto.  Oh, and here's your boneless pizza, good citizen.

Synopsis:  TheGentleman and Mr. Egg watch Titanic for the first time.

Also, there's spoilers for Titanic if you haven't watched it.

The two beans are snuggling on the couch looking for a movie, when all of a sudden, a familiar movie title pops up on the screen.  Titanic, a movie that neither of the two have seen.  Maybe tonight was their chance to finally watch it together, like they'd been discussing before.

"Hey, Mr. Egg, have you seen Titanic?"

"Nope, have you?"


"Wanna watch it, Gentie?"

"Yes, that sounds fun!"

"Alrighty, let's do it!"

The movie starts, and TheGentleman heads to the kitchen to make some popcorn for the two pals to share.

"You're gonna miss it, Gentie!"

"Poppycock, I haven't missed a thing yet!  And besides, how else are you gonna get your popcorn?"

"Last time you made popcorn, you almost set the house on fire!"

"I didn't tell you about that...how'd you know about that?"

"Mr. Cheese told me.  Anyways, get your butt over here and watch the movie with me!"

"Alright, alright, I'm coming."

With that, TheGentleman grabs the bowl of popcorn for him and Mr. Egg to share.  They each grab a good handful and watch as Rose tells her story.  (It's been years since I've seen Titanic.  I'm trying to remember how it goes, ok?)

And then young Leonardo DiCaprio appears on screen. Mr. Egg can clearly be seen fawning over him.  TheGentleman, however, has different taste in men, and doesn't drool at the screen upon seeing Leo.

"He's so hot!"

"To you, maybe, but I prefer short cheeseheads."

"I know, Gentie.  Let's just watch the movie!"

Basically Rose and Jack meet, yada yada, turns out that Rose is supposed to marry some rich asshole, but she falls in love with Jack at first sight.

"Awwww, Rose and Jack are sooooooo cute!"

"But remember, Mr. Egg, they've still got that pompous bastard to deal with."

"Hey, Gentie, could you grab the tissue box? I've heard that this movie is quite emotionally jarring."

"Egg, you could've asked before I played the movie, but it's fine, I'll do what needs to be done."

TheGentleman quickly springs up from his spot and instantly trips.


"Shh, I'm watching!"

"Ok, sorry, Mr. Egg! You said you wanted tissues; if you still want them, don't shit on me for being clumsy!"

After that, TheGentleman grabs the tissues and sits back down with them in hand.

The two enjoy the movie in silence for a bit, until the one famous scene comes on. Y'know, the one where Jack holds Rose in front of the boat.

"Awwwww!" they both exclaim, all of a sudden going all gushy because of their new favorite ship (I actually didn't intend the pun here, but it's welcome nonetheless.).

"What if the rich bastard finds out?"

"Relax, Gentie, I'm sure it'll be fine!"

The popcorn in the bowl is around halfway empty at this point, the two invested in the plot, their ears and eyes wide open.

They finish the rest of the movie in complete silence...

...until at one point in the movie, Rose says this to Jack:

"Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your French girls."

"So THAT'S where Mr. Cheese got it from!"

"Oh no, I'm gonna close my eyes for the entirety of this scene," Mr. Egg comments, turning away from the scene.

And when the scene is over, TheGentleman is left scarred.

"I...was NOT prepared for that!"

"This is why you should've just turned away from the screen like I did."

"I know, Mr. Egg."

(I will repeat how I haven't watched Titanic in a really, really long time, so if I got anything wrong, yell at me :D)

And then a raunchier scene comes onto the screen, and it leaves TheGentleman speechless.

"And they say this is PG-13!" Mr. Egg exclaims jokingly, TheGentleman still very scarred.

And THEN they watch the rest of the film in silence...

...until Jack gets accused of stealing from Rose, or...something like that.


"TRUE LOVE MY ASS!" TheGentleman yells at the TV before breaking into tears.  "IF YOU REALLY LOVED HIM, YOU'D TRUST HIM OVER SOME RICH ASSHOLE!"

Mr. Egg also begins to sob when Jack and Rose's relationship begins to go south.

"I thought th-they had s-something special!" he shouts, choking on his own tears.


"That'd be lovely, thanks."

Then they silently watch the rest of the movie with their faces drenched in tears...

...until the ship decides to hit an iceberg and begins to sink.  This is the point in the movie where the two men become very nervous.

"Come on!  Why'd THAT guy have to survive?  He literally tried killing someone!"

"I hope Jack makes it out alive."

"Me too, Egg."

And then Jack and Rose successfully escape the Titanic, but then...

Jack fucking dies.  Oh, come on.  I said that this wouldn't be spoiler free.

"WHAT?!  Nooooooo!"

"Jack could've lived!"

Then the two cry for the rest of the movie, using almost all of the tissues they grabbed.

"What are you two watching that's got you crying like a bunch of babies?"

The two turn around to see Mr. Cheese waltz into the room.

"Mr. Cheese? I didn't know when you'd get back, so Mr. Egg and I turned on Titanic."

"Ohh, Titanic, haven't watched that one in a while.  Didn't cry, but I didn't understand why Jack had to die.  There was soooo much room for Jack to climb onto the thingy that Rose was clinging onto. Hope you guys recover soon."

"It's so sad!"

"I know, Mr. Egg. It'll be ok; it's just a movie. It'll be over soon."

"Awwwwww!  She never stopped loving him, even decades after his death!  My heart!"

"Wow, Gentie.  I've never seen you get this smitten over another relationship!"

"I know, beanie boy, it's just that they're so cute together!"

And with that, Mr. Cheese joins the other two beans on the couch to watch the rest of the movie together.

Welp, I hope that was at least decent.  I'll try to do more of the requests soon.

Anyways, that's it for this chapter!  See you guys in the next one!

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