Their Reactions to Getting Rickrolled

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I'm making this chapter in honor of the Never Gonna Give You Up music video hitting 1 billion views.

Player:  "Not this shit again."

Veteran:  Is so used to getting rickrolled that it doesn't bother him anymore.

Captain: Sings along.

TheGentleman:  "What in the devil is this?"

Mr. Cheese:  Has memorized all of the rickroll links and is basically immune to getting rickrolled. Also loves to rickroll people randomly.

Mother: Likes the song unironically, so she doesn't mind.

Stoner: Laughs.

Engineer:  "Why?"

Gnome:  Sings along REALLY badly.

Bday:  Thinks it's kind of funny.

Rose:  Rolls her eyes.

Dum:  Chuckles.


Noob: Is angry but tries to hide it.

Mr. Egg: "I LOVE Rick Astley!"

Cub: Ignores the message.

Poopyfarts96:  Rickrolls back.

Sheriff:  Sends the link to the Montero music video.

Angel:  Dancing.

Ria:  Probably jamming out.

Ninja:  Facepalming.

Goober:  "This isn't a link for free V bucks!"

Greaser:  Is lowkey a little pissed.

SirClogsworth:  Probably the one rickrolling everyone.

Baggy:  "Oh, it's this video again."

Flamingo:  Laughing like Mickey Mouse.

Blue:  Has no reaction to it anymore.  Sometimes helps Not Orange rickroll people.

Not Orange:  Also probably rickrolling everyone.

Hunter:  Doesn't like the rickroll.

Rookie:  "Did they just-"

Happy:  Laughing his ass off.

Hornsly:  Has never been rickrolled.

Yeah, that's the chapter.

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