Me to GameToons and their other goddamn channels (a rant)

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Yeah.  Apparently FNFL and AUL have the same amount of episodes now.

That wouldn't be so bad if FNFL and AUL had the same runtimes.  Like, oh my god, post ANYTHING other than FNF!  I'm fucking tired of seeing just FNF, and it's not even well written!

Ok, so let me sum up how GameToons makes their content now:

1. Write a half assed episode based on FNF because we've gotta milk the game for views!

2. Completely destroy Player's character (not like they haven't done that already)

3. Choose mods that are gonna get the views and the clicks

4. Choose a shitty story line and make it long enough so we get monetized because we TOTALLY don't have enough money!

5. Don't even make it about FNF or rap battling shit, just bad characters and bad stories.  Doesn't matter, though, because we're getting views and money!

6. Make it have the cringiest thumbnail in the universe.

7. Make the titles bad, too, also make them misleading.

8. Suffocate everyone with FNF, and post only FNF and literally nothing else!

You see, even the FNF subreddit has talked about how cringy and mediocre FNFL is, and I couldn't agree more.  Someone even described it as "One of the most mediocre FNF based animated series" or something along those lines.  Take notes, GameToons, and if you're going to continue posting FNF shit, at least write it well instead of just half-assing it.  AND LEARN HOW TO TAKE CRITICISM, FOR FUCK'S SAKE!

And before anyone comments, no, I am not a "hater," I just simply wish that GameToons wrote their content better.  GameToons, it should be quality over quantity, not vice versa.  I know you want your sweet, sweet money, and that you're becoming a mix of Mr. Krabs and the Onceler, but still, actually put effort into what you're doing; otherwise it looks like you don't care.

While we're on the subject of not caring, it's so obvious that GameToons doesn't care about AUL anymore.  They know that we care about it more than FNFL, so what do they do?  They use advertisements, Easter eggs, and other shit to promote their AUL merch without actually bringing back AUL, a series we've been craving since the FNFL takeover.  This wouldn't be so bad if it didn't give us false hope of AUL returning soon.  It feels like a slap in the face to say the least.

I don't mean to talk about this too much, it just really pisses me off.  I'll stop talking about it though because I don't have much else to say about it.  Thanks for reading this if you made it this far.

Also, congratulations to GTG for hitting 1M, I guess, even though their content has significantly been going downhill.  I could make a whole other rant on that a different time.

I'm ending this chapter now.

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