Well Shit :D

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I completely forgot about the crackship art dump I was planning on making.  To be honest with you guys, I haven't had much motivation making it, and I've only gotten like, four of the requests done.  There's a lot more.

Also, schoolwork is currently eating me alive, and it's almost the end of the quarter, so I have to take finals soon (next week probably), and I'm kind of behind so shit 🙃

Also also, I have another project I've been working on, so I haven't really been thinking much about this book.

Also also also, my mental health is shit rn.

I'm still involved with GameToons and shit, but I'm kind of pissed at them rn for many reasons.  Istg they can be so annoying.  Why don't they just admit that they're running out of ideas?

Yeah, idk what this chapter has turned into, but yeah...

Also, I might or might not post random shit that I want to post (not like I don't already do that or anything), but I also want to cater to you guys.

I think I'll end this here.  Thank you guys for sticking around with my ass for this long.  You've all got some pretty tight bars, and I appreciate that (oh god, not the references again-)

Anyways, adios, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

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