Their Biggest Fears

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This one was requested by MaryExsists90 . I'll be doing headcanons and art before I head into the one-shots.  This is because the one-shots will probably take longer and will require a lot of motivation to complete.  Anyways, here's this chapter!

Player:  Being considered a loser. Also bugs creep him out.

Veteran:  Ghosts and spiders.  For the latter, he just can't get past the eight eyes thing.

Captain: Abandonment, especially with how his past has gone.

TheGentleman:  Not living up to the expectations that his father put on him.  He knows something bad will happen if he doesn't. He also isn't a fan of green jelly.

Mr. Cheese:  Being abused, physically or mentally.

Mother: Something bad happening to her kids.

Stoner:  Rejection.

Engineer: Not living up to his own expectations. Also losing the ones he cares about.

Gnome:  Losing Engineer.

Bday: Crowds and places with a lot of people.

Rose: Her teeth falling out. She doesn't eat anything super hard because of it.

Dum:  Scorpions.

Bro:  Being considered uncool or embarrassing himself.

Noob:  Snakes.

Mr. Egg: Also abandonment.

Cub: Being forgotten.

Poopyfarts96:  Idek.

Sheriff:  Being trampled by horses.

Angel:  Getting caught for murder (she's definitely killed someone).

Ninja: Bees.  He was stung as a child and got traumatized from it.

Goober:  Getting their eyes ripped out.

Greaser: Death.

SirClogsworth: Getting swirlied (please don't ask).

Baggy:  Also rejection.

Flamingo: Getting bit by a flamingo.

Blue: Clowns.

Not Orange: Dogs.  He got bitten real bad by one as a child.

Hunter:  The undead, aliens, you name it.

Rookie:  Being burned at the stake (don't ask).

Happy:  Losing Balthazar.

Hornsly: Being called a furry.

Wizard (I feel bad because I keep forgetting about him :():  Feeling insignificant.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!  I hope to have more out soon. - Felix

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