Thanks, I Hate It.

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Like, what the actual HELL is this‽

Don't get me wrong or anything, I like the movie Encanto, but when people use it for a damn profit, it gets fucking annoying.

Like, have y'all seen how much Encanto shit GameToons has been pulling out of their asses‽  AND NOW WE HAVE THIS OBVIOUS CASH GRAB‽‽

This is why I stopped watching the main channel tbh, because everything they put up just feels like a way to get money quickly.  I wouldn't be surprised if they started launching NFTs as their next big cash grabbing scheme.

Not to mention that the animation doesn't even look good.  I'm not trying to shit on them for this, and I understand that they're trying to recreate the characters in their own artstyle, but this just looks gross. The animation has never looked quite this bad before, but I can't put my finger on why it looks god awful.

At first I was all for the Encanto mod and shit, but once they did it a second time and tried to disguise it as something different, I started to dislike it a bit. Then, they did essentially the same fucking thing A THIRD FUCKING TIME, and that was really fucking annoying. The only good thing about the video was the characters they used, except for Player. Player can go fuck himself for being an absolute asshole.

Now that this is out, it's becoming increasingly obvious that they're using the movie for the views and clicks. It's also proof that GameToons will likely hit rock bottom soon, seeing how it's been going downhill for quite some time.

After this, I may never watch GameToons again besides Among Us Logic and probably Fall Guys Logic. Nothing else on their channel is worth watching ever again because of the terrible writing that goes into the channel.  Also, I don't like watching Player be a whiny asshole for 10 or so minutes straight.

Yeah, that's it for this chapter.  See you guys in the next one.

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