AUL After Getting their Wisdom Teeth Out

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I'm making this chapter because I'm getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow, and that gave me the idea to make this!  I'm lowkey pretty nervous about it.  Anyways, let's begin!

Player:  He's crying a lot, not because he's in pain, but because he's feeling a little emotional

Veteran: Says a bunch of random shit that he'll regret and probably won't remember later

Captain:  Is clingy and doesn't want to be left alone

TheGentleman:  Is mad because Mr. Cheese is taking videos of him and posting them to Instagram and Snapchat

Mr. Cheese:  A combination of the first four

Mother:  She got hers removed at a young age, and she acted pretty normally but did sometimes randomly sing show tunes

Stoner:  Acted pretty much the same as he normally does

Engineer:  Is somehow doing math?  Gnome thinks it's cute

Gnome:  Is yelling for literally no reason

Bday:  Wants to eat foooooood

Rose:  Doesn't like the numbing stuff

Dum: Cries a lot and basically acts like a kid

Bro:  Acts pretty vulnerable but doesn't let anyone see

Noob:  Pretends like she's doing fine but is screaming internally

Mr. Egg:  Wants to cuddddddddle

Poopyfarts96:  Farts more than usual

Sheriff:  Won't stop singing Lil Nas X

Angel:  Gives away all of the details on every single one of the people she's killed, but no one believes her

Ninja:  Speaks entirely in English until the anesthesia wears off

Goober:  Speaks entirely in gibberish and doesn't stop even when the anesthesia wears off

Greaser:  Is convinced that his hair is gone

SirClogsworth:  Talks about how once he swallowed his harmonica (the story is entirely cap)

Baggy:  Attempts to rap "Look At Me Now" by Chris Brown

Flamingo: Is convinced that he's actually a flamingo

Blue: The conspiracy theorist, makes theories that don't make sense

Not Orange:  Can't stop laughing

Hunter:  Talks about the time he was abducted by aliens

Rookie:  Takes a nap as soon as he wakes up from the surgery


Hornsly:  Opens up about some of his fantasies

Wizard:  Talks about the time he discovered his powers, left his muggle school, and got to go to a school for wizards like him

Anyways, that was this chapter, probably wasn't very good, as I have no experience with getting my wisdom teeth removed yet.  I hope you guys enjoyed it anyway.

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