Random Facts About Yours Truly

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Heya fellas, we're 10 chapters away from 200, which means that this specific volume of this series will come to a close when we reach that number.  200 is apparently the maximum amount of chapters a Wattpad story can have, and we're getting close to that.  Not to worry, though, because I do plan on making a second book; I just have to make a cover for it.  It'll probably be Stoner related ngl.

So, in relation to that, I've made the decision to make this chapter before we close off!  My life is very uninteresting, though, so none of these facts are likely to be that interesting.  Yeah, let's kick off this chapter, then.

Also, I'm completely unoriginal for coming up with this because I've seen it be done, but that's beside the point.

1.  In case you haven't noticed, I love to insult and make fun of myself.  This is because I cope with my self esteem issues with humor.  It helps lighten my mood a bit so I don't get into a deep depressive state.

2. I'm very much into typology. It's become a special interest of mine over the years. Once you get me talking about it, it's hard to get me to stop. I've also attempted, and failed, to type all of the Among Us Logic characters at some point.

3. Speaking of special interests, I'm neurodivergent (are we even surprised at this point?). More specifically, I'm on the autistic spectrum. My family and I have always suspected it, but for some reason I was only diagnosed with it last year. There's also shit that I've suspected I have, but that might be because I'm a hypochondriac.

4. This is a bit of a weird flex, but I knew of Berries and Cream YEARS before it became a popular TikTok meme. Before that, it was, and still is, an inside joke with the rest of my family.

5. Because of certain nightmares I've had, I've unlocked the fear of getting attacked by animals, specifically birds and rodents.  I'm also scared of a lot of rodents, so that doesn't help.

6. I've created a catchphrase that I use quite often.  Some variants of it include: "You've gotta be fuckin' fucked," "Don't get it/yourself fuckin' fucked," etc.  The former is the most common variant that I use.

7. I'm left handed, and I hate your scissors and can openers.  I'm lucky I don't have to use either of those things in my daily life.  Trying to use scissors in school growing up was absolute hell.  Also, the constant stupid questions like, "ARE YOU LEFT HANDED???" every time someone sees me use my left hand is annoying.

8. I have three scars on my left leg and one on my right from falling off of a treadmill. It hurt like a bitch, and I cried a lot. My sister still laughs at me for it to this day. In my defense, I didn't know what I was doing, and I'd never used a treadmill before. Still, I don't know how I fucked up that badly.

9. A lot of my humor consists of references.  It's to the point where I make random references to things pretty much all the time, if I can find a way to connect it to the conversation.

10. I think we all know about this, but I love puns and dad jokes.  I've been using them for years, sometimes for the purpose of annoying other people.  For the most part, though, I don't try to be annoying with them; I mostly just do it to make myself laugh.

11. My joints are shit :D.  In all seriousness, though, I am properly diagnosed with joint hypermobility.  As a result, they love to come out of their sockets, and I can't do certain exercises without them doing so.  Because of my other symptoms, I suspect that I also have EDS, but I've yet to get diagnosed with it.  Even so, the doctor said that my symptoms of it are benign, so it wouldn't be too much to worry about.

12. I can do weird things with my eyes. For one, I can make them twitch on purpose (is that normal?). It's easier to do with my left eye, though. I can also roll one all the way up while the other one is only halfway up.  Hmmm...maybe it would be easier to explain with a picture.

⚠️CW for potentially disturbing eye thing. Idk, I'm kinda creeped out looking at it. I thought it was so cool when I first discovered it, now I just think it's creepy. ⚠️


I'm gonna add more dots so you don't have to look at this while reading the other facts

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I'm gonna add more dots so you don't have to look at this while reading the other facts.


This is my official eye reveal, I guess.  The picture's kinda blurry and taken at a bad angle, but it was my best attempt. I can also roll them both all the way back at the same time, but I think most people can do that.

13. I actually have pretty good intuition. Sometimes I'm able to perfectly predict the events of things happening, even as a joke. I even sometimes get dreams of things happening before they happen, and then they actually happen. Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually psychic. /hj

14. I have a decent amount of rocks in my room. Sometimes I like to collect them from my backyard and take them up to my room. I always clean them first. Idk, I just think they're neat.

15. I have good long term memory, but my short term memory needs work. I'll remember the times, dates, names, and places of certain things that I learned when I was a kid with a lot of accuracy, but when someone tells me something randomly, I'll probably forget it in 10 seconds.

16. I think that pineapple on pizza tastes gross.  Something about the sweet, acidic pineapple mixed with cheese just feels so wrong to me.  I don't judge people for liking it, though.

17. I have fantasies of living in a castle and having servants.  I lack the proper funds for this dream, though.  Maybe that's a good thing.

18. When I was a kid, I once dipped Cheez-Its in ketchup and thought it was the most delicious thing since pasketti.  I frown upon my younger self for this.

19. I've always liked pickles, even loved them at one point.  Sometimes I just go to the fridge and get me some pickles for a snack.  However, I probably would never drink pickle juice.

20.  Last one, let's go.  I want to have a pet chameleon when I move out of my parents' house and have the funds to do so.  I'd name it Jack.

Alright, I'm done (woohoo, that was hard).  Anyways, that's it for this chapter!  See you guys in the next one, and hopefully it'll actually be related to AUL!

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