My Top 10 Favorite AUL Characters

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Alrighty, everyone!  Here's another chapter that I'm forcing myself to write because motivation go brrrr.  I'll elaborate on each of these, as well.

Starting off at #10...

10. Happy

I don't talk about him a lot, but I genuinely really like his character. He should come back to a canon AUL episode tbh. I also headcanon him with ADHD and autism, fun fact. I like him, Balthazar, his attachment to Balthazar, etc. I feel like he has more depth and that we should see more of that depth in his character. Anyways, yeah!

9. Mr. Egg

Mr. Egg, I love you so much. It sucks how much he's gotten mistreated in the fandom and the canon series. I'm glad the fandom treats him better now, though. He's so cool and nice and I like him a lot. I prefer him to Mr. Cheese, to be honest. Gentlecheeseegg when? Is that the correct ship name? Anyways, that doesn't matter. Mr. Egg is a good character with or without other characters. That's it for him I think.

8.  Snorkel

Nonbinary communist. Who doesn't love nonbinary communists?

7. Veteran

Veteran is great. He's chill, he's thicc, he's funny, basically anything you could ask for in a best friend. He has the best quotes, too, especially in GameToons Gaming when he's there. Basically Veteran is just a very likable character, and I haven't heard anyone say they don't like him.

6. TheGentleman (aside from the first few AULs)

TheGentleman without a doubt has gotten a lot of much needed character development. I'm glad he acknowledged the fact that he was an asshole and can now have fun with everyone else without there being a stick up his ass. Also he's hilarious in GameToons Gaming, especially when he impersonates Gnome or questions other people's existences.

5.  Rookie

I'm very pleased with Rookie's existence. He's extremely underrated I swear to fuckin' god. He's actually kind of the embodiment of me, interestingly enough. Introverted, calm on the outside, panicking on the inside, into gaming, left handed, doesn't like pineapple on pizza, etc etc. Like, who stalked me and wrote this character? It's just nice to have a character to relate to, y'know? Yeah, that's my shitty take on this.

4.  Blue

Everyone, please prepare for "In Defense of Blue"

Ahh, Blue, another underrated over-hated character that deserves more love. I honestly don't understand why he gets so much hate. All he wants to do is play Among Us like a normal person, oh my god. Who wouldn't be confused and a little annoyed when you're in a lobby full of idiots who don't know what they're doing? Hey, it's not rude if it's honest! Honestly, he's the most normal character in the series I think, well, at least the most realistic character. He's always been more normal than Player in my opinion. As for episode 13, who doesn't like to troll once in a while? And besides, he wasn't the one to initiate the whole cheating thing, he just went with it because why not. People act like that revive machine thing was the worst thing in the world, when in reality, they're just salty about Player going to the cheater's lobby when Blue and Not Orange didn't. That was a bit unfair tbh, but that's beside the point.

Anyways, let's get more into his personality. I like it. He's chill, smart, a detective type character who likes to have fun once in a while. Also, how did I not see it coming that he's a follower? Also he's probably autistic because I'm autistic and I want representation, ok?!?! I explained why, but I did that badly, so have fun with that. Also also, despite the name change in AUL 13, I don't believe him to be a monster. Blue didn't really do anything wrong, and I don't know why some people think he did,

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