Among Us Logic, But the Impostor Works Out (SPOILERS) + A Small Rant

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YES! AUL is back, I'm so excited! Anyways, let's begin!

Ayyyyye, Wizard's there!


Oof, big steps!

Oh geez...

He's everywhere...

Oooooh, damn, Wizard!

Damn right it is!

Lmao Veteran

Captain is a mood


Player kind of deserved that ngl


Oof, everyone's pissed at Player.

Yes, yes they do.

Welp, isn't that fun?




P l a y m a n

Yes, yes you are supposed to clean the vent, Player.

Oof, Mr. Cheese is flat!


Damn Gnome lmao

Christ on a stick, Captain.

Stoner finally speaks, yes!

Poor TheGentleman.

Welp, oof.

Wizard, never change.

Well, that's ONE way to make an entrance!


He could've killed before, y'know...

It's Arnold Impostinator.

I've seen this animation before.

Wizard, you're amazing.


Well then...

Just like the first AUL!

Well deserved.

To be honest, I wasn't really a fan of this episode. It was cool to see that Wizard has powers, though! Also, Player kind of deserved the whole being ignored thing, since he ignored his Among Us buddies and ditched his real friends for some virtual world. Maybe after this, he'll be brought back to earth, stop being a "Jerky McJerkface," and actually talk to his friends again instead of talking to "people" in the virtual world with no emotions and no actual care for him. It's also great to see that AUL is back in general! This one kind of reminded me of the first AUL a little bit.

My overall rating for this episode is 6/10, could've been a 7 if Stoner had more of a role because he makes everything better.  His presence alone raised the rating by like at least 1 point.

Also, I really hope that the Arnold Impostinator thing is just a one-off thing because I don't want him to come back tbh.  Hopefully he's gonna be a character like Pirate, Cub, Ms. Pink, or Noob that's in one episode and doesn't come back...EVER!  Sorry if that was rude, I just don't think he has much significance, and his existence didn't make the episode better.

Like I said, though, I'm happy that AUL is back, and that if they do write more AUL after this (probably because they never confirmed an end to the series), maybe they'll touch on the fact that Player's been a jerk, and maybe we'll get to see his redemption arc.  Maybe they'll revive characters that we haven't seen in a while, and they'll make episodes with them in it and maybe even episodes revolving them.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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