AUL: The Last Crewmate (SPOILERS)

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Ok, Gnome.

What the fuck happened?

Player being a mood.

Wait why does Player have a scar?

WHAT?! 20 years?!

Oh, Blue's back!

All the Blue characters are here, noice.

Oh, Greaser's there, too! It's nice to see him again.

Let's all be blue and not tell Player.

Stoner being a mood.

Rip BDay.

TheGentleman hair reveal.  Oh wait, that's a helmet!

Mr. Cheese is a general, wheeeee!

Wait why are there four Captains?

Nice Star Wars reference. Ok, I've only seen one Star Wars movie.

Who are all these people?!

Player fucking dies.

Ooooooooh, Stoner being the sponsor thingy guy! I think he had to stop smoking to film that.

Bottle flip challenge makes its return.

Again, Player is a mood.

Oooooh, Hunter is now officially in the series! And Baggy has made a return, how nice!

Wait, what year is it?

Oof city, bro. Hunter's, like, gonna die because TheGentleman choked him with his miiiiiiiind. Ok, I deeply apologize for this.


I see you, Gnome.

Smooth one, TheGentleman.

Jesus Christ, Gnome.

Baggy is my spirit animal.

Rip Player I guess.

Mouth Player is cursed.

So THAT'S the context behind "You killed my sandwich!" Also, technically it's Baggy's sandwich, but that's beside the point.

Player killing someone over food is a mood.

Oof. Lord Gentleman?

Hunter, stop dying.

And he died.

Gnome gets fired.

TheGentleman is Player's father?!

It turns out that he's not the father! Yeah, that was an obvious lie.

Player's dad's name reveal.

Mr. Cheese!


TheGentleman's over acting is awesome.

Oof, Player's, like, dead I think...maybe.

Ok so maybe dead isn't the correct word here.

Oooooooh, there's Veteran!

Vet, he literally can't move.

Welp, that's my complete reaction to this.

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