Gaining Confidence (Angel x Rookie x Player)

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Here's this one-shot that no one asked for.  This is also my first time writing a polyamorous relationship! Enjoy!

Synopsis:  Rookie has two hands, if you know what I mean :)

Also, this story will be told entirely from Rookie's perspective.

Location: The Airship
Crewmates:  Veteran, Captain, Mr. Cheese, TheGentleman, Stoner, Dum, Rose, Mother, Engineer, Gnome, Mr. Egg
Impostors:  Angel, Player, Rookie

Rookie's POV

I'll start this story off by saying that I feel like I suck at everything I do, especially compared to my boyfriend and my girlfriend. They're so good at playing Among Us, and I'm, well, not; my username is really fitting, even though I've been playing this game for quite some time. I still can't believe I lost because I simped for the impostor (if you read my last one-shot, ya know what I'm talking about)!

Every time they try to convince me that I'm doing ok at the game, I can't find myself believing them because I know it's not true. I'm not good at tasks, I'm not good at sabotaging, and I'm not good at killing without getting caught. When I catch the impostor red handed, they always accuse me first, and even when they don't, I'm still the one that gets thrown off the ship since I also suck at defending myself.  I mean, sometimes Player or Angel will defend me, but it's not as satisfying as doing it myself.

Maybe today's the day where things will be different.

I nervously click the join option on the lobby, and I instantly see Player and Angel sitting next to each other.

"Hey babe!" Angel exclaims, greeting me with a hug. "We're so glad to see you here!"

"Yeah, we didn't know if you were gonna join, since you've been bailing on us," Player adds. "You didn't join yesterday, you didn't join a few days ago, you didn't join last week or the week before that-"

"I know, I know," I reply, a little frustrated.

"What we're trying to ask you is if everything's ok," Angel says.

"It feels almost like you've abandoned Among Us," Player comments. "You used to love playing, but feels like you're enjoying it much less. You can talk to us about it if you want."

"Ok, since I trust you guys," I start.  "You guys are right.  Among Us isn't fun anymore, especially when you always lose."

There's silence for a moment.

"You don't think-" I can hear Angel say to Player.

"God no!" he exclaims.  "He CAN win, he just needs to find his niche.  I know for a fact that my boyfriend is NOT cursed!"


"What are you guys talking about?" I ask them.

"Umm..." they both say.

"What should we tell him?" Angel asks Player.

"Uhh..." he replies. "Rookie!"


"When I kept on losing, I didn't give up, even when I felt like giving up. So you shouldn't, either. Just believe in yourself, like Angel and I believe in you."

"You guys really believe in me?" I ask, wide-eyed.

"Of course!" Angel replies. "We've believed in you since day 1, you've got this!"

I smile a little at this.

"Ok, crew!" Captain exclaims.  "I've turned on the three impostors mode!  There will be three impostors this round instead of two!"

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