TheGentleman Goes to McDonald's (Gentlecheese)

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Before this story starts, I would like to point two things out with this one:
1. This story does not take place on any of the maps, it takes place in real life.
2. TheGentleman and Mr. Cheese live together

TheGentleman's POV
I have a confession:  I've never eaten fast food.  Ever.  Not even once.

When I told the rest of the crew, their reactions varied, a lot.  Mr. Cheese was the most shocked, and for some reason he seemed offended. Maybe if he knew why, he'd be more empathetic about it.

My reasoning for not eating any fast food is because of my father (ok I feel really stupid writing this). He'd banned fast food because it was for commoners, as he would put it.  He would say that fast food places were too greasy for his taste, and that everything was way too cheap for any of the food there to be good. 

"And besides, all of the food there's filled with carbs and other unhealthy things, nothing you should be consuming, Ebenezer." - my father, at some point in time.

I'm doing office work when Mr. Cheese approaches me one day. He normally doesn't bother me while I'm working unless it's important. I wonder what he wants...

"TheGentleman, we're going to McDonald's."


"I said we're going to McDonald's."


"So you can taste the gloriousness that fast food is."

"But it's so greasy, and I don't trust it!"

"You don't know if you don't try," he says with a smirk, looking into my eyes. "You might like it."

"Ugh, fine, but I have to finish this thing up before we go."

"Ok, I'll wait for you outside your office."

"Alright, I love you."

"I love you, too, TheGentleman!"

With that, he leaves me with my work.

I will be honest here: I'm a little nervous about this. From what I've heard about fast food places, they don't seem like they're up my alley at all! I swear to God if it's as filthy in there as my father's described, I'm going to clean the entire place from head to toe.  Wouldn't be the first time I've done something similar.

Mr. Cheese's POV
I can't wait for TheGentleman to try McDonald's for the first time!  Sure, it's a little gross in there, but their food's good, and that's all I care about. I don't know about TheGentleman, though, as he has a high phobia of germs.

After a little bit, TheGentleman is done, and I soon become very excited.

"Ok, Mr. Cheese, I'm ready."

"YAY!" I exclaim, hugging my boyfriend tight. "I'm driving, though."

"What? Why?!"

"Remember last time you drove? Yeah, I'm trying to prevent that from happening again."

"My heavens, can we stop talking about that?!"

"Let's review. You broke four mailboxes, ran into five trees, rear ended two other cars, made two dents into our car, continuously jerked the wheel, drove off of the road multiple times, let go of the wheel multiple times, and ran over my foot. Remember all of the paperwork you had to write?"

"Ok, but you're not great at driving either."

"I'm still better than you!"

"Ok, fine, Mr. Cheese, drive us there, not that I even know where McDonald's is!"

After that little conversation, the both of us get on our respective sides of the car, which we still haven't gotten fixed.

TheGentleman's POV
Finally, we arrive at the dreaded place. It already looks disgusting from the outside, and I can't even begin to think about what the inside looks like!

"Do we have to go inside?"

"I mean, we can go through the drive thru, but I don't waaaant tooooo!"

"Ok, but only because I don't want to listen to your whining anymore."

The two of us go in, and I already feel like an outsider.  Even worse, it's just as gross in here as I'd imagined, or even worse!  Worse than that, there's nothing here I can clean this mess with!  Get me the hell out of here!

"Let me do this part, babe," Mr. Cheese says to me.  "You probably don't know what to order from here, so I'm gonna do this part for you."

"Mr. Cheese, I-"

"Lemme get a Big Mac, 10 piece McNuggets, two quarter pounders with cheese, a large fry, and a Coke."

"Just one?  Mr. Cheese!"

"I'll get two separate straws if it'll get your dick hard."

"Not in public, Mr. Cheese!"

"Right...shall we sit down?"

"At this point I don't care."

We sit down at the nearest booth while Mr. Cheese grabs the food. When he gets back, he sets the food on top of the bag. He also puts two straws into one cup, which I guess we're meant to share.

"Ok, TheGentleman, let me teach you how it's done.  First you take the wrapper off of the burger.  Then, you put the burger into your mouth.  Sound simple enough?"

"I didn't need that, Mr. Cheese, I'm already aware of how to do this."

I follow Mr. Cheese's instructions's not bad?  It's actually...dare I say good?

" is it?  It's good, right?"

"I hate it!"

"No you don't, I saw the face you were making while eating it."


"You like McDonald's, don't you, TheGentleman?"

"Well, I suppose I can't lie anymore.  Yes, this is actually quite good."

"Try the fries.  They're good."

Without saying anything, I take a fry and place it into my mouth.  It tastes like a nice potato stick, because it IS a nice potato stick!  This has been an interesting experience.

"I hope there's still room in your stomach because there's still A LOT of food we need to eat."

"As long as I don't get heartburn, I think we'll be ok."

I'm not sure my stomach will be able to handle what's next.

Well, that was definitely something.  Also it's short because I didn't know what to write.

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