If AUL Were in Danganronpa

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Ok, but I'd love to see a fangan based around Among Us Logic.  I'd make it myself, but I'm currently working on another fangan, and I don't want to take time away from that.

Player:  Would be the protagonist, obviously.  Also would be a survivor, we're not pulling a Kaede here.

Veteran:  He would probably be the support alongside Player.  I'm thinking he'd either survive or be the chapter 5 culprit, killing the antagonist.

Captain:  I get traitor vibes for some reason.  He'd make it decently far, but not far enough, ultimately getting killed.

TheGentleman:  I can see him being the main antagonist potentially, him or Mr. Cheese.  Would probably commit die some time in the game.

Mr. Cheese:  He gets killed pretty early on to everyone's surprise, causing TheGentleman to fall into despair.

Mother:  I don't think she'd survive, but I can't tell if she'd be a victim or a culprit.

Stoner: I think he could potentially be the mastermind after that AUL 1 shit he pulled.

Engineer:  He could survive if he wanted to, but I think he'd end up giving into one of the motives and killing someone.

Gnome:  Falls into despair after Engineer dies, but develops as a character after his death and survives.

Bday: Chapter 3 victim.

Rose: The other chapter 3 victim.

Dum:  Would either survive or die in a later chapter.

Bro: Chapter 1 culprit, a Leon type beat.

Noob:  Commit Sayaka.

Mr. Egg:  Kills Captain to try and help everyone else and gets executed.

Cub:  Wasn't invited to the killing game.

Poopyfarts96:  A silent type killer that no one would suspect, but he eventually gets found out after someone brings up a vital piece of evidence that leads to him and him only.

Sheriff:  Accuses everyone at the trials and gets killed very early on.

Angel:  Chapter 3 culprit, need I say more?

Ria:  Idk

Ninja:  Most people would probably think of him as a culprit, but I'm thinking maybe someone killed him out of fear.

Goober:  Got killed for being annoying.

Greaser:  Poopyfarts' victim.

SirClogsworth:  Imma put him as a survivor because idk what else he would be.

Baggy:  Would probably die.

Flamingo:  Drowned in a kiddie pool.

Blue:  Definitely has the potential to survive, but could also kill someone for the sake of escaping.

Not Orange:  Would kill for the sake of killing, or would get killed.

Hunter:  Hides in his room most of the time with a lot of weapons.  Could potentially survive.

Rookie:  I can see him surviving.

Happy:  Became an accomplice for a murder.

Hornsly:  Gets accused for a murder and gets falsely executed despite the rules of the game.

And No-Visor would be the headmaster (or should I say MONO-Visor? I probably shouldn't.)

These are just my opinions, I might change my mind on some of these, though.

Among Us Logic ShitOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora