BDay Headcanons

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Yay, I'm finally updating this!  I have some requests I need to finish (like this one), and then I might write a short one-shot that I kind of want to write.  Requests first, though, because I want my viewers to be satisfied with my shitposts!

Anyways, this was requested by Average_CatI hope you guys enjoy this!

1. He has pretty bad social anxiety. Out of everyone in the crew, his is the worst. It took him quite a bit to get used to everyone on board. While he was in the process of that, Rose helped him cope with the new change.

2. He's thicc as fuck. Obviously not as thicc as Player, but still pretty damn thicc. Sometimes people will just randomly stare at his ass because he's so thicc.

3.  He has joined random cults online, usually based around fandoms.  Maybe he knows about the BDay cult 😳👀

4.  He's likely neurodivergent.  It would probably explain some of his mannerisms.

5.  He enjoys scrapbooking and photography.  He has a bunch of scrapbooks stored in a safe place where he can look back at them any time he wants.

6.  He's bisexual as fuck.  A lot of people thought he was fully gay before he started dating Rose.  One small reason why he decided to go out with Rose was to prove to people that he was at least bi (credit goes to a comment someone, I forgot who, made on a previous chapter).

7.  He likes vocaloids.  His favorite is Hatsune Miku.  He even has a Miku binder!  Ok, that last sentence was a joke and a reference to the Thomas Jefferson meme.

8.  Speaking of memes, the dude loves memes.  He references random memes 24/7, and people even get annoyed by it sometimes, except for the people who don't.

9.  BDay absolutely loves puns.  You cannot tell me that this isn't canon.

10.  He's a little short.  This is especially well-known when he stands next to his tall girlfriend, Rose.  He's still taller than Player and Mr. Cheese, though.

11.  He can draw a little bit.  He's not amazing at it, but he's pretty good.  He can also paint and has painted for people before.  He loves it, too, as it calms his nerves a little bit.

12.  He tried alcohol once and hated it.  Decided to never do it again.  Also smoked weed with Stoner once (another crack ship 👀) and thought he was going to die.  Yeah, that's not happening again, either.

13.  He was bullied in school, which contributed to much of his social anxiety.  Some of those things people said to and about him still hurt him to this day.

14.  He has a lot of mental issues, including built up trauma, that he covers up with his sanguine personality. Only a select few people know about these mental issues.

15. Sometimes he cosplays and goes to cons. Sometimes his friends and/or girlfriend comes with him.

16.  He hates bugs, but he makes an exception for millipedes.  He had one as a pet as a kid, but one night after he came back from school, the dog ate it.  Martholomew is still missed to this day.

And I think that's it for this one!  I hope y'all enjoyed this one!  See you guys next chapter. - Felix

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