Stargazing (BlueOrange)(Fluff + Slight Angst)

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Guess who's back for a one-shot no one asked for? Me :D

Synopsis: Blue and Not-Orange go stargazing together for their first date.  Also, there's cuddling, and Blue is touch starved. Not Orange is also a nice person here because fuck it :D

The angst here won't be too heavy, by the way. It's just a small vent session.

Blue's POV

The sky looks so beautiful tonight, filled with millions of stars.  The brightest one, however, is sitting right next to me.  His icy blue eyes, his thick, dark hair, and his tanned skin are just some of his gorgeous features.  More importantly, he's just an amazing boyfriend, too.  He may not seem like a nice person at first, but when you get to know him, he's great.  He lets me talk about my special interests, and he doesn't get weirded out when I say something completely random.  I never thought I'd catch myself being a simp, but here I am today.

I don't normally become attached to people, but this somehow feels different.  Maybe I shouldn't be so attached to him, though.  What if he decides to leave?  What if some other undesirable thing happens?  I should just stop thinking about it...

"You like this?" Not Orange asks me. "I hope it's everything you asked for."

"It's perfect, Not Orange," I reply, smiling and trying not to blush, but I think it's too late. "Don't these stars really make you feel small in comparison?"

There's silence for a bit. Ah shit, did I do something wrong?

"I've never thought of it like that," he replies. "But I guess you could say that."

I giggle a little bit.

"Blue, you're adorable."

"Shhh! No I'm nottttt!"

At this point, my face is entirely red.

"Don't deny it."

"Ok, fiiiiine," I reply, playfully rolling my eyes.

Not Orange's POV

Gahhhhh, Blue is so cute! For someone called Blue, he really is looking red right about now. I can't stop thinking about him!

Instead of paying attention to the stars, I shift my attention to Blue. I can see how happy he is to be here; it's the happiest I've ever seen him. Normally, he acts really grouchy towards most people, even towards me sometimes. Right now, though, it seems like all of his worries have escaped him. Is there any reason why he's such a grouch? Maybe I shouldn't think too much about that, and I should just enjoy the view of the stars.

Silence fills the air as we're both mesmerized by the beauty of the night sky. I feel like the two of us aren't getting intimate, like, at all. I reach for his hand, but he pushes it back. What? Did I do something wrong?

"Are you ok?" I ask him with genuine concern.

"Just keep your hand away from me!" he shouts, leaving me confused.

"Did I do something?" I ask him just to make sure I didn't do anything.

"No, it's just- well-"

I let him breathe for a second before he speaks again.

"I'm just not used to this kind of interaction," he looks down, poking his two index fingers together. "I didn't mean to shout, either, I just- I can't stop thinking of things."

Blue's POV

GOD, WHY AM I SO DUMB?! He probably hates me right about now.

I take my glasses off and let a few tears roll down my face. Hopefully N.O. isn't looking! That'd be so embarrassing. I mean, what would he think of me then?

"Hey, it's ok to have emotions," he tells me, resting his hand on my shoulder.

"You say that as though you're not emotionally constipated."

"Hey!" he exclaims.

"Well, it's true!"

"Anyways, what's up with you?" N.O. asks. "You need to get something off of your chest?"


"Ok, I'll be here to listen!"

I take in some more oxygen before I finally spill my guts.

"Am I good enough for you?"

"Of course you are!"

"Are you sure? I've been kind of rude to you, not gonna lie. Maybe my new name's fitting, because I feel like a monster."

"You're not a monster, Blue," he tells me. "I imagine that you're stressed and tired.  You've got to deal with a lot of different stuff everyday.  And I don't care about a little bit of attitude; you know I've been treated worse before!  You haven't cheated on me or left me with a child to take care of so you can continue your party life and not take any responsibilities, have you?"

"Not that I know of," I tell him.  Wait, that happened to him?

"Come here," he says, looking at me.  "Only if you want, though.  I know you don't like being touched, so-"

Without thinking, I put my glasses back on and scoot myself a little bit closer to him.

"I've been needing something like this for a long time," I admit. "I can't remember the last time I've been this close to someone. It's...nice."

"I hope it is."

He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. I then go to hug him back, and we end up lying down on the blanket we set up. Out of instinct, I sort of burrito myself into one half of the blanket, and N.O. does the same on his end. Pretty soon, we're cuddling.

N.O. pulls me in very tightly; it's to the point where I can barely move.  We're so close to one another that our faces aren't even an inch away from each other. At one point, our lips accidentally touch, and this makes me blush hard.


"Wanna kiss for real?" N.O. asks, also blushing.

"Yes!" I exclaim, happier than normal.

With that, we find ourselves kissing again.  The kiss lasts for a few seconds before our mouths separate.

"I feel so safe and loved here."

"You are.  Never forget that, Blue."

The two of us then spend the rest of the night staring at the stars.

This kinda sucked, but that's ok :')

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