Werewolf Boyfriend Mod: A Reaction (spoilers)

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I don't generally do reviews of GameToons Gaming (I think I only did, like, once), but I'm gonna do this one because it's a little better than most of the content they've been posting.  Anyways, let's get to it!

Player is a werewolf, yeah, yeah, yeah...

I SEE DR. DOKTOR AND AIDEN.  This makes me happy.

Speaking of Happy, he's there, too, and that also makes me happy.

Poor BDay.

Cheese Louise, Mr. Cheese!

Nonsense, Mr. Cheese.  Everyone knows that Italian people don't exist...wait a second...

Blondie's voice is different, isn't it?

Shut up, Daddy Dearest.  No one wants to hear your voice.

I love BDay.

That's Baggy, Player.

Poor Blondie.

Don't eat BDay!

Don't eat Dr. Doktor, either!

Yes, Aiden has a face now.

Blondie is now furry.

I like Dr. Doktor.

Mr. Cheese is singin'.

Nose obstacles?

Don't eat the meat, Happy!

Ok, I don't like where this is going with Player's new form.

Ok, now this just isn't fair.

Blondie's gonna die!

"YOU ATE MY FATHER!" gives off the same vibes as "YOU KILLED MY SANDWICH!"

You, Happy, are inside Player's stomach.

How is Blondie not dead?

Oh, not the funkin' thing again!

Nice howls performed by Happy and Blondie.

Mr. Cheese is now furry.

Blondie is now a wolf, how fun.

I guess she's working for Player now?


Well, I guess Aiden's a wolf, too.  Or a...wolfy?

Oh, so is Baggy!

It's nice to see Happy and Mr. Cheese together again.

"Remember when we fought No-Visor together?  Yeah, that was fun!"  Doktor, didn't you pass out for, like, half the episode?

Player in his final form do be buff, tho.  He wishes the real life version of himself can be that buff.

Well, Dok is now a wolf.


Yeah, Player, why would you eat Aiden?

How are Mr. Cheese and Happy not wolves yet?


Howl at the moon?  What does that do?

Oh, it drops a literal moon on them.  Are they all wolves?

Wait, no, BDay still isn't!  You've got this, BDay!

Finish your last task, BDay!


Now hit 'em with your silver bullet!


Overall, I didn't hate this one as much as the other ones they did.  I'm happy to see non regular characters like Dr. Doktor, Aiden, Happy, and hell, even Blondie!  It's a nice change of pace.  Though, there are still some other characters that haven't been brought back yet that I'd like to see.

I hope the rest of y'all have a great rest of the day, and I'll see you guys in the next one! - Felix

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