FNF Logic: BF vs. Impostor

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Player explains Among Us to Gf, yeah yeah yeah...

The impostor is here.

My thoughts exactly, Player.


Captain, stop.  You're gonna damage his ego.

Well, rip I guess.

I like the graphics!

Impostor spamming the report button.

Poor Impostor getting voted off.

Oh my God, he killed Girlfriend!

Mr. Cheese and Cheddar!

Thursday evening freaking?  Monday morning flopping?

Girlfriend's a ghost, I guess.

Cheddar's cute.

Oooooooh, this is a bop tho!

Sliced cheese.

Nice advertisement, again.


Veteran!  Awesome, pog!

Veteran, come on.

That doesn't sound made up at all.

Bye, Veteran!

You better fucking win, Player.

Sword fight essentially?

Rip Impostor.

Player, stop talking.

Well, I guess rip Player.

Well, that's been my commentary.  See you next chapter.

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