AUL at a Party with Alcohol

487 10 18

Idk I just thought of this.

Player:  Doesn't want to be there, only there because Veteran wanted to go.

Veteran:  Excited, chugs a beer.

Captain:  Becomes a master at karaoke.

TheGentleman:  Has a glass of wine to try and destress.

Mr. Cheese:  Chugs a can of cheese.

Mother:  Tries to keep her kids from drinking any alcohol.

Stoner:  Brings weed brownies.

Engineer:  "Mom, pick me up. Kids are drinking beer!"

Gnome:  Stays with Engi the entire time so he doesn't have to socialize.

Bday:  Brings balloons.

Rose: Comes with BDay because I don't know what else she'd do because we don't know much about her.

Dum:  Dances a lot.

Bro:  Chugs six bottles of beer as a dare.

Noob: Drinks water, not alcohol.

Mr. Egg:  Tries to have fun but just doesn't.

Cub:  In the corner by themselves looking around at the scenes in front of them.

Poopyfarts96: Farts.

Sheriff: Pole dancing to Lil Nas.

Angel: Got drunk and ate at least 6 weed brownies.

Ria: Swinging from the chandelier.

Ninja: Facepalming at Bro.

Goober: Drinks fake beer and pretends to be drunk to prank the other crewmates.

Greaser: Styles his hair the entire time.

SirClogsworth: Is the cool drunk.

Baggy: "Mom, pick me up, I'm scared."

Flamingo: "I'M A FLAMINGO, BITCH!"

Blue: "I'm surrounded by idiots."  Stays sober while watching the shit go down.

Not Orange:  Gets drunk and high.

Hunter:  Smokes a joint and fucking dies.

Rookie:  Wants to go home but tries to enjoy himself.

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