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[Casey's POV]
I can't even remember falling asleep yesterday, the night was cold and everything was just uncomfortable. My skin a little bit itchy from the chlorine sticking to my body.
I noticed the car was gone in the drive way so I decided to check the front door if it was open, luckily it was.
I made my way upstairs to grab a quick shower before getting dressed again to make it in time for school.
Pulling on the same clothes as yesterday I once again grabbed my backpack and headphones, taking just an apple and a bottle of water before walking to the bus stop. The loneliness causes me feel empty, alone, and unwanted. I often crave human contact, but my state of mind makes it more difficult to form connections with other people.

School felt different today, not a good different. All eyes were on me like they all knew who I was. Making my way in to the classroom, once again all eyes were on me.
I could hear people whispering.

"Did you see her last night?"

"I heard her father is a junkie"

"Jake told me he saw her father drag her out of the house and beat the hell out of her"

The whispering went on and on.

He's not even my father.

"That's enough! If you have something to say your welcome to do it in front of the class" Carina said.

"Sorry miss" they said.

After just twenty minutes of looking out of the window the teacher started packing up her things.

"I'm ending this lesson early today, your free to go" she said, everyone left the room quickly.
I put on my headphones and started making my way out of the room.

"Would you mind staying for a while Casey?" The brunette asked me.

"Sure" I said.

"Let's sit down" she said gently.

I looked at the floor instead of her, purposely turning my head a little more to the left so the mark on my face wouldn't be noticeable.

"Is it true?" She asked.

"N-no" I said.

"Casey? Can you look at me while you tell me that" She insisted.

I made eye contact with her, my eyes immediately filling up with tears out of nowhere.

"Is it true?" She asked again.

"It doesn't matter" I said.

"It does matter, this is about your well-being and I want to help you sweetheart" She said.

"It's not true" I said, not wanting to let her in.

She crouched down in front of me, gently stroking my chin where Tom had slapped me across my face.
"I'm here, whenever your ready" she whispered.
Carina wrapped her arms around me, I let my warm silent tears fall down accidentally making her shirt have wet spots on it.

"Sorry, I'm sorry" I apologized.

"It's okay, it's okay Casey" she reassured me.

I felt my phone vibrating, looking down I saw a message from Karen telling me I had to go home immediately.

"I have to go now, thank you once again" I hurried out.

"Here, I'll put my phone number just in case you need to reach me" she sat and put her phone number in my phone.

I jogged home, not wanting to wait for the bus to upset Tom and Karen even more by being late.

Opening the front door it was quiet, making me wonder why I had to come home if no one was here. I felt something hard and cold wrap around my wrists.

"Stay still" Tom said.

He pushed me down on the chair, I could now see that they had tied me up with chains to the chair.

"I want to play a little game with you" he said.

"Let me just grab our toys" he added.

Both Karen and Tom came back just a few minutes later with a lighter, a rubber band a lemon and a bottle of vodka. Oh god this did not look good.

"Let's start of easy, shall we?" He asked Karen, she nodded. They started shooting the rubber bands at me which made my skin hurt bad, but I figured that what comes next would probably be worse.

"Ah shit" I said as the rubber band hit my lip.

"No swearing, time for a punishment" Tom said.

Karen tilted my head backwards, Tom squeezing the liquid of the lemon in my eyes. It felt like they were burning, hurting really badly.
As I was too focused on the pain in my eyes I did not notice that Tom had pulled out the lighter and put it against my fingers. Lighting it up, making my fingers feel like they were about to fall off. I could see the burn marks forming already.

"Let's have some more fun, don't you think so Casey?" Karen asked.

"No" I whimpered.

"Wrong answer" Tom said and light the lighter on my fingers again and again.

Karen came back with the vodka bottle opened, drinking some herself before leaning my head back once again.

"Open up" she said.

I opened my mouth, waiting for the liquid to pour down my throat. She poured half of the bottle down my throat then pouring the rest over my head. Making me very aware of that if Tom were lighting the lighter close to my face I would burn up.

"You're no fun" Karen said.

"Here try" Tom said and handed her the lighter.

She put it against my wrist which made me squirm, that led to her dropping the lighter on the floor. The carpet turned of fire, both of them just standing there while I was tied up to this stupid chair not being able to move.

The panic rising thru my veins felt unbearable, it felt like my airway were closing.

I'm going to die here, with two people that hates me from the day they met me.
But then I heard sirens, someone must've called the police if they saw us they the window.
Tom and Karen freaked out and ran out thru the front door leaving me all alone.

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