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[Casey's POV]
After the appointment about getting my glasses I held on to them tightly afraid I would drop them or brake them, Carina helped me pick out a pair of glasses that she thought looked nice on me because I couldn't decide on a pair on my own. I'm feeling proud of myself for being able to be in there today when there was a lot of people, I had Carina with me so she reassured me that I would be alright. Sadly Maya was called in for work today so Carina and I would spend our Saturday together without her.

"Anything you have in mind that you want to do?" She asked.

"No not really, I'm good with anything" I told her.

"How about we cook lunch together" She suggested.

"That sounds fun, I'm not sure I'm any good at it but okay" I said.

"It will be-" she was cut off by my phone going off.

I looked at the caller ID "Stella", oh god.

"Carina" I panicked.

"Answer it, you're alright" she reassured me.

I answered it as we walked in to the apartment.

"Hey Casey, how are you doing?" Stella asked excitedly.

"I'm okay, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm good, will you be at school on Monday?" She asked.

"I think so yes, why?"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch with me in the library, we can sit some place further away from all the other students if you want"

"Okay we can do that, I'll see you Monday then"

"Yeah, bye Casey"

"Bye" I hung up.

I walked back over to Carina.

"That went well right?" She asked.

"I think so yes, she wanted the eat lunch with me in the library on Monday" I told her.

"That's good, I'm proud of you. And just know that if you change your mind I will be in my office or just a phone call away" she said.

We washed our hands then I started cutting up the vegetables in smaller pieces while Carina started boiling the pasta. We had small talk as we cooked dinner and it was really nice, I learned a lot about her family from Italy and her home. A lot of traditions that she has and how it was to go back there after so long time being here in Seattle.

"How's the glasses?" She asked.

"It feels a little weird, my vision is a little bit blurry but I don't have a headache" I told her.

"Blurry vision? Are you dizzy or anything?" She asked.

"No I'm good, maybe it's just because I haven't worn glasses in a long time" I said.

"Yeah maybe, if it doesn't go away you need to tell me so we can go check it out"

"Yes I'll tell you, when's Maya coming back?"

"Half an hour or so, she might be a little bit later if she had a bigger call since she has to finish the reports"

"Do you have to write reports after a patient?"

"We update their charts, like we type in what symptoms they have and the diagnoses so I guess you could say it's a little bit like a report"

I thought for a moment before asking her.

"Do you think I could get in to art school, please be honest"

"Of course I think you can, you are very talented and your imagination is great because it doesn't limit your work. You find your own inspiration for what you want to create and that is something great, so yes I think you have a great shot on getting in to art school"

Later on when Maya had come back to the apartment and showered we all sat down by the table and ate our food.

"The glasses suits you" Maya said.

"Thank you" I told her.

As the morning arrives I put on my clothes and glasses, then made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and a glass of water, patiently waiting for Carina to take me to school.
I have to admit that I am a little bit happy today because of Stella, I don't know why because I barely knows her but she made an effort to talk to me and I really appreciate that a lot.

Maya dropped us off at the school, I made my way to the locker and grabbed my books before walking to the classroom.

Soon enough it was lunch time, I made my way to the library with my backpack. I sat down by the table in the corner of the room waiting for Stella to join me, just after a couple of minutes the perky brunette joined me by the table.


"Hi, I love your glasses they really suits you" she complimented me.

"T-thanks" I stuttered out.

"So, what classes have you got left?" She asked as we started eating our lunches.

"Math and history, what about you?"

"English and history"

"Cool, do you play any sports?" I asked.

"Yeah I do, lacrosse so I have practice after school ends" she answered.

"You should come see the game next weekend" she added.

"I don't know anyone there" I told her.

"Well you're my friend now I hope, I don't really know so many people here either" she said.

"I can come watch it, I don't know so much about lacrosse tho" I chuckled.

"That's okay, we can grab some ice cream after if you want to" she suggested.

"Yeah that sounds f-fun" I answered nervously, already making up different scenarios in my head of what could happened and how many people there would be there.
My chest got a little bit tighter and my breathing got quicker just by the thought of it.

"Are you okay?" Stella asked, putting a her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, just tired" I lied.

"Oh okay, aren't you going to eat more of your lunch tho?" She asked out of concern.

"No I'm good, I ate a big breakfast so I wasn't so hungry today" I told her.

"Alright, well i will text you the time for the game this Friday" she said happily.

"Yeah, We should probably get to class now" I said, packing my lunch and placing it in my backpack quickly already feeling the anxiety boiling up my chest the tears threatening to spill.

"Casey wait up! Did I say something to upset you?"

"N-no it's just nothing" I lied again.

"Let me help you, do you want me to call someone for you?" She asked.

"I-I call Maya" I said pointing outside, hoping she would understand that I couldn't stay in this environment.

"I'll come wait with you" she said, taking my hand in hers to lead me outside.

I called Maya trying to say she needed to come pick me up, not sure I made so much sense form the shortness of breath and crying.

"Is that her?" She asked after we had waited for a couple of minutes and a black car pulled up close to us.

I nodded.

"I hope you feel better soon Casey, I'll text you after school" she said, letting go of my hand.

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