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The week in the hospital felt like an eternity for the family, the teenager not wanting to be in bed forever. The doctors had agreed on letting her go back home today, leaving the girl with pain medications since her injury in her leg would probably bother her for another couple of days.

Her cast on her leg made it difficult for her to walk, she was now using crutches whenever she needed to go somewhere. She couldn't shower or go to the bathroom alone since she couldn't use her body properly like she used to be able to.

Having to ask her mother's for help to go to the bathroom made the teenager feel like she couldn't do anything on her own, it was really hard for her. Maya and Carina constantly reassured her that they just wanted to help her and that it would get better. They had agreed on taking a week off of work since they would need to help Casey a lot these first days at home.

She had trouble with loud noises and bright lights, it made it hard for the teenager to be outside since she couldn't really predict what sounds would be there. That's why they decided that it would be for the best if Casey did school form home for a while.

Samuel was more than happy when he got to visit his girlfriend again, both of them glad they could be with each other. Barely even remembering what their fight was about.

[Maya's POV]

Waking up early this morning, already seeing that Carina was out of bed. I got dressed and made my way downstairs, not seeing Carina or Casey there. I began to get worried, not knowing if Casey had started feeling worse and had to go to the hospital again. Once I reached Casey's room I found them both fast asleep in her bed, Casey snuggling up the best she could in Carina's chest.

"Hey Bella, I thought I would let you sleep in" she said, trying to be quiet so she wouldn't wake up the sleeping teenager in her bed.

"I- I couldn't sleep, I just want to be with our girl. I don't like the feeling I get when I'm not nearby" I admitted.

"Ah I understand, I feel a little bit like that too, maybe you can lay here and cuddle with her while I go make us some breakfast?" She suggested.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Of course, I'll be back in a couple of minutes so we can have breakfast in bed" she reassured me.

I switched places, laying down next to Casey. Immediately feeling her arm wrapping around me as she placed her head on my chest. Since her leg was in the cast it made it a little bit harder for her to move around but she could still turn her body around a little bit so she could lean against me without hurting herself.

After a couple of minutes, I felt Casey starting to wake up. She rubbed her eyes before she looked up at me.

"Did you sleep good?" I asked, stroking her hair.

"Yeah, my leg is a little bit uncomfortable now when I can't move around" she admitted.

"It will get better soon, the doctor said you need to keep it on for at least three weeks and then they'll check to see if they can take it off" I reminded her.

"And you'll stay here at home with me, until I can be okay on my own?" She asked quietly, not really looking at me.

"Of course, I will be here the whole time, your mama will stay here the first week since she wasn't really allowed to take more time off from work. But I'll be here" I told her, seeing her instantly relax.

"Good morning, Here's breakfast" Carina said, carrying the plates with French toast along with juice for us.

"You're the best, mama, thank you" Casey smiled, trying to sit up so she could eat the breakfast easier.

"How is everything with Samuel?" I asked her, noticing that he hadn't been here in a while.

"We're good, I just- I wanted to stay here with you. That's why he hasn't been here, because I just wanted to feel safe" she admitted.

"If you want, he can come here, Your mom and I can just be downstairs while you two spend time together" I suggested.

"Really? I'll text him now" she said, happy that she could finally spend some time with him outside of the hospital.

Even though she had a hard time being in bright lights for a longer period of time along with loud noises, she could still enjoys spending time with people, in the right environment of course. And if it would be too much for her, Carina and I would help her.

"He'll be here soon, can you help me get downstairs, please?" She asked.

"Of course, are you finished with your breakfast?" I asked.

She nodded.

I carefully picked her up, being gentle so I wouldn't accidentally hurt her leg more. I carried her downstairs to the couch where I placed her down. It didn't take long before Samuel arrived, I let them be alone in the living room while Carina and I sat in the kitchen with a cup of coffee.

Just as I was about to start talking, my phone went off. I noticed it was Andy's number so I answered it right away.

"Hey Cap, I'm sorry to bother you, we need your help" she said, sounding rather stressed.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked her.

"There's a kid at the station, he's disoriented and he won't talk to either of us" she said.

"Okay well have you talked to CPS?" I asked.

"The problem is that he keeps saying Casey's name, it's like he know her from somewhere but he won't tell us from where. I don't know his name nor age, all I know is that he knows who Casey is" she explained.

"Do you want me to bring her down to the station? I'm sure she would be alright with that" I offered.

"If it's no trouble than yeah that would be helpful, there's something strange about this" she sighed.

"Alright, I will be there with Carina and Casey in about twenty minutes. Just take it easy" I said.

"Thanks, Maya" she said.

I ended the call, explaining everything to Casey and Carina. Samuel left since he needed to get to school the next day.

We soon arrived at the station, joining Andy who were sat with the boy in my office.

Both Carina and I noticed Casey's mood change completely as she saw the boy.

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