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[Carina's POV]
I picked up Casey on my way home from work, not wanting her to walk home alone. She looked happy when she approached me, smiling a little bit.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah we watched movies, how was work?" She asked me, changing the subject.

"A little stressful, a mama delivered a set of twins. Two boys but one of the boys had some trouble breathing as he was out so we helped him a little" I explained.

"What did she name them?" She asked.

"Remi and Leon"

"I like that name, Remi. I've never heard that before" she told me.

We arrived at the apartment, Casey taking a shower before we both sat down by the Tv. Wanting to watch a movie together while we waited for Elias and Maya.

"Can we watch black widow?" She asked, laying her head on my chest.

"Of course" I told her, stroking her hair.

As I did so I noticed marks on her neck.

"Bambina, do you have something to tell me?" I asked gently.

"No, why would I" She said, her cheeks flushing red.

"Did you have sex?" Wanting to get to the point I asked her straight away.

"Are you mad?" She asked, panicking.

"No of course I'm not mad I'm just wondering if you were safe and used protection, consent and how it felt for you. I'm your mama so you can tell me this stuff" I encouraged.

"We used protection and both of us wanted to do it, please don't tell mom" she reassured me.

"Good, always use protection even if you're on the pill. I think that your mom will find out sooner or later but if you don't want me to tell her then I won't" I told her seriously.

She nodded, laying her head back at my chest.

"When do you think mom will be back?" She asked, looking at me.

"Her shift ended twenty minutes ago so she should be home any second now, I'll text just to make sure everything is okay" I told her.

Just as I hit send, the door opened. Maya carrying Elias on her hip.

"Was your shift okay?"

"Yeah, there wasn't that many calls so I had plenty of time to hang out with Elias and show him around the station. Travis is his new best friend" she told me.

"Wow you two had a busy day then, no wonder why he is so tired" I said, seeing Elias sleeping content in her arms.

"Andy is picking me up soon, we're going to go for a walk and then watch movies" Casey let us know.

"That sounds like fun, make sure to keep your phone on at all times" I reminded her.

"Yes I will" she reassured me.

After Andy had picked Casey up it was only Elias Maya and I left in the apartment. Figuring out something to do.

Maya came running in to the living room, looking rather stressed.

"The social worker wants to talk to us, apparently there's something that isn't right about this case so she needs to talk to us about his file and what is going to happen next" she explained.

"When is she coming?" I asked.

"Now, oh god what if-"

"No no no, we should not get ahead of ourselves before we know why she's here. Don't get yourself worked up okay?" I told her.

"I'll try" she said.

The social worker soon arrived, sitting down by the table with Maya and I while Elias were playing in his room.

"How has it been going, having Elias stay here?" She asked.

"Great, I think he has settled in well and he trusts us" I told her.

"That's fantastic, it has come to my attention that Elias biological father has been asking to meet his son. Since you are just his foster parents you can not say no to this but you are allowed to be there when the meeting takes place. It will also be supervised by me" she explained.

"Why would he want to meet him now? He clearly had no interest in doing so these last couple of years" Maya spoke, beginning to get upset.

"I can not give you an answer to that question, i would recommend preparing him for it and telling him what's going to happen so he's aware" she said.

"When will it happen?" I asked.

"He requested that it would happen as soon as possible so this Thursday it will take place" she answered.

"Do you have any questions for me?"

"No no we don't" Maya assured her.

I could sense her anxiousness from across the table, noticing how her breathing was becoming uneven and she wasn't focusing on the social worker.

"That's all I have to say, I will see you soon" she said, closing the door on her way out.

I crouched down in front of Maya, taking her hands in mine.

"It's okay Bella, take deep breaths" I instructed her.

"Why is this happening? I don't want them to take him away" she said just above a whispered so we wouldn't let Elias hear our conversation.

"I don't know Maya, let's just hope that he just wanted to see him and then that's it. We haven't adopted him so there's not much we can do about the situation if his father do decided that he wants to take him back" I said.

"We should adopt him, now"

"I would be more than happy to do so, we can contact the social worker about that as soon as possible" I assured her.

"Mommy" Elias called out, soon appearing in the kitchen.

"Mommy sad?" He asked, seeing Maya a little shaken up.

"No baby, mommy isn't sad" she reassured him.

The three of us sat down in the couch, Elias on Maya's lap contently sitting with a blanket wrapped around him.

"We are going to the park tomorrow, bambino. The three of us plus another friend we have" I let him know, wanting him to be somewhat prepared for what was going to happen tomorrow.

"We go on the swings?" He asked, now sounding excited.

"Sure, we can go on the swings. You can play all you want" I reassured him.

"With sissy too?"

"No, Casey will be with Samuel. But I am sure she will like to join us next time we go to the park" I told him.


We resumed watching the movie, Elias sitting on Maya's lap almost asleep.

I couldn't help but feel scared about tomorrow, I'm not ready to loose our bambino. This was not how I imagined things to go, we had just started talking about adopting him and everything was going so smoothly but now it might all change.

Why would his father reach out to see Elias now, he's four years old and his father hadn't showed any interest in seeing his son before.

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