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[Casey's POV]
It was around lunch time when I walked down to the park to meet Stella Josh and Samuel, Maya and Carina was a little surprised when I told them I was going out with a few friends. I want to push myself to be able to do things, that's why I'm doing this today. To say I'm stressed and nervous is an understatement.

"Hey Casey" Stella greeted me.

"Hi" I hugged her.

The other two hadn't arrived yet so we sat down by the benches while we waited.

"How long have you been talking to Josh?"

"Like three weeks or so, this is the first time we are hanging out outside of the school tho. That's why I'm glad you are here" she said.

"You're going to be alright, I'm probably going to be the weird one since I'm so nervous all the time" I chuckled.

"Oh here they come" she said quietly as she spotted them down the road.

We greeted each other with a hug then walked to buy the ice cream. I realized I forgot my money so I just waited for the others.

"Aren't you getting anything?" Samuel asked.

"I forgot my money at home"

"I'll get you something then, what flavor?" He asked.

"It's okay, I don't need it"

"I won't take no for an answer Casey" he smiled.

"Strawberry then if you insist"

After paying for the ice creams we found a table for us all to sit down at, Stella and Josh were talking to each other a lot and I could see Stella blushing every once in a while.

"We are kind of fourth wheeling right" he chuckled.

"Yeah I kind of, did Josh make you come with him too?"

"Yeah, he really likes Stella and he didn't want to go alone. I'm glad that you're here tho so I didn't have to be completely alone with these two" he laughed.

"I don't see you around school so much, how come?" I asked.

"I like to hang out in the group rooms, it's more quiet there. Usually studying a lot. I just don't get biology"

"I feel that way about math, maybe I can help you with biology then. Im quite good at it actually" I said.

"That would be nice, what do you usually do when it's lunch time at school?"

"I go to the library and listen to music and work on my art project or just draw in my sketchbook, I like the quiet too and the library lady likes me so she lets me draw in there" I told him.

"I suck at art, can i see some of your art pieces? That would be really cool"

And the nervous Casey is back.

"Y-yeah sure" I smiled nervously.

"Can I have your number? I would like to hang out with you again some time" he said happily.

"Sure, here" I said, typing in my phone number in his phone.

Once we had hung out for a while I walked back home to the apartment, sitting down with Maya and Carina.

"How did it go?" Maya asked.

"I was really nervous but Uhm Samuel was really nice to me"

"That's good, I'm happy you're making friends" Maya said.

I mumbled something that they didn't hear when I laid down on the couch.

"It's okay to feel nervous you know" Maya told me.

"I just hate that I'm like this" I breathed out shakily.

"Like what?"

"I hate this feeling!" I snapped.

"No need to get upset Casey, let's calm down"

"I'm just going to sleep" I walked away, seeing their sad expressions just made me sigh.

I'm not angry with them, I'm angry with myself.

I pulled out my phone once I had changed in to more comfortable clothes.

'Today was really fun, I'm glad you were there'-Stella

'Me too'-Casey

I put my phone away after I sent the text, I pulled out my headphones and put on my playlist.

[Carina's POV]
After Casey walked back to her room Maya and I was left with sad expressions on our faces.

"I want her to be happy" I sighed.

"Me too, maybe we should look in to some options so she can get some guidance with her feelings. I know we talked about the Susan at the school but I feel like maybe that's not the best option for her" Maya told me.

"You mean we should get her a therapist?"

"Yeah, you heard her last night right? She's afraid of herself when she gets like that and she's starting to get angry over small things, we can only help her so much So I think we should look in to some professional help for her" Maya explained.

"How about that therapist you spoke to at the station? She was nice right?"

"She was but I think it's best if we find one that's more specialized in teenagers and kids, there's a big difference between how adults handle situations and how teenagers handle it" Maya said.

"Well, first we have to ask her and then we can look in to finding one that would be a good fit for her"

"Should we talk to her about it now?" Maya asked.

"Yeah, that's a good idea"

We walked in to Casey's room and sat down on her bed, she looked up at us then down again.

"Will you hear us out on what we have to say first and then you can tell us what you think about it?"

"Okay" she said.

"We talked about you seeing Susan at the school to talk about how you're feeling and so on but Carina and I think that it might be better if we schedule an appointment with a therapist instead, the therapist might be able to help you in many more ways" Maya explained.

"What if I don't like it?"

"If you don't like it we can try another therapist, whatever makes you feel comfortable and safe" I said.

"What am I meant to say? No one understands how I feel anyway"

"If you give them a chance and explain it I'm sure it will be okay, one of us can be with you at least by the first session, would that make you feel better?" I asked.

"Just on the first session? What about the rest of them?" She asked slightly panicked.

"Let's not worry about this too much now, when we find a therapist and book a meeting we can discuss if they would mind one of us staying with you" I tried to calm her down a little.

"Okay okay, I can do this" she said quietly.

"Yes you're right, you can do this sweetheart. Carina and I are here with you every step of the way" Maya told her.

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