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[Carina's POV]
Maya and I had set an early alarm, packing the last couple of things before we could leave to the airport.
We let Casey sleep an extra hour just so she would be well rested.

Yesterday I had gotten a text from dad saying that he wanted us to come visit him, some how he knew about Casey. It might've been Andrea telling him or he just heard it from someone else. I don't want Casey to meet him just yet before I could explain everything but now I don't have a choice. I just hope he isn't in one of his manic episodes when we get there.

"Maya, should we tell her before we leave or just tell her when we get there? I don't want her to worry"

"We should wait, just flying itself obviously makes her nervous so I don't think we should ad an extra layer of stress on her right now" she said.

"I agree, god I really hope he will behave"

"It will be okay Carina, if he's not in one of his good moods we can just tell him we had to leave. If you're not comfortable there we won't stay" she assured me.

"Thank you for being so understanding"

An hour later we had packed everything, I made my way to Casey's room. I was prepared to wake her up but I found her sitting on her bed playing with her fingers.

"Is everything okay?"

"Mmhm, just nervous. I've never been abroad before nor been on an air plane" she admitted.

"That's okay, it can be a little bit scary but I assure you that it will be okay"

"And I can sit next to you on-on the plane?" She asked, looking away.

"Of course Bella, now let's get dressed and get some breakfast before we leave"

After eating breakfast we gathered our suitcases, making our way down to the car.

It took at least an hour before we arrived at the airport, the security went fine so now it was only a short wait before we could get on the plane.

[Casey's POV]
I showed the flight attendant my passport before boarding the plane, walking closely to Carina who was walking in front of me. I sat down by the window seat, Carina next to me and then Maya on the other side of her.

Carina placed her hand on my knee, giving me a comforting smile as they announced the take off.

I closed my eyes as the plane was starting to lift.

"You're okay my Bella, I'm here"

As the plane was up in the air a couple of minutes later, I opened my eyes again.

"It's beautiful" I said, looking out the window, seeing the soft clouds surrounding us.

"It is, they look so soft" Maya said, leaning over a little bit so she could see.

As the plane landed a couple of hours later, we took a cab to the hotel we would be staying in. Apparently Carina and Maya had stayed here before so they knew their way around the place.

"Bella can you listen to me for a second?" Carina asked, sitting down on the couch.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"As you know, my dad lives here in Italy. He wanted us to come meet him today, is that okay with you?" She asked.

"That's okay" I nodded, convincing myself to not freak out.

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