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[Carina's POV]
It has now been two months, two very very stressful months for all of us. There have been meetings in court and they have done a complete background check of both Maya and I to see if we were suitable for being moms to Casey. Today is the day we get the news, they are supposed to send us the results in the afternoon.

Neither of us slept thru the night, Casey stayed in our bed tossing and turning they the whole time. I think that Maya was probably up at least seven times to just walk around the apartment. I slept just for an hour but then woke up again.

Maya had left a note, saying that she was on a run thru the park and that she would pick up some breakfast on the way for us.

"Stay here" I said as soon as Casey made a move to get out of bed.

"I can't"

"You can, try get some sleep while I'm here" I said, pulling her in to my embrace.

"Where's mom? She isn't here" she panicked.

"Shhh, breath"

"She's on a run, she will be back in a couple of minutes" I reassured her.

I held her close, stroking her hair until I saw that her eyes had closed.

I couldn't even begin to imagine if the adoption didn't go thru and that we had to send Casey away to another family. She's always felt like she belonged here, even when she stayed at Tom and Karen's house I cared for her more than any other kid. Maya and would be completely devastated if she can't stay here.

I tried to stop the thoughts.

About twenty minutes later, Maya came back to the apartment all sweaty. She carried out breakfast in to the kitchen and put everything on plates before she took a quick shower.

I decided that it would be for the best if I let Casey sleep a little longer. She could eat when she woke up.

"Thank you for bringing breakfast Bambina" I said as soon as Maya joined me in the kitchen again.

"It was no problem, I just needed to get out of that bed. How is Casey?" She asked.

"I got her to fall asleep so she would get some rest, but she was very stressed when you weren't there"

"It's a lot for her, she's getting herself worked up for this too. I mean everything could change in a matter of hours for all of us but mostly her" she said, sighing.

"I know, but they said we had a great shot at this going our way. We just need to hope now"

[Casey's POV]
As I woke up again, I found myself being alone in the bedroom. I got dressed and put my hair up in a bun before walking out to the kitchen were both of my moms were eating breakfast and talking.

"Bellina, there's French toast for you here" Carina told me, gesturing to the plate at my side of the table.

"I don't think I can eat anything right now" I told her honestly.

"Just a small bite, please?"

I gave in, sitting down next to her. I took a couple of bites of the French toast before the door bell rang.

I felt my heart beat speeding up, did the social worker really come this early? Was something wrong?

Maya went to open the door, she walked back with the social worker Hannah not far behind her.

"Hello, sorry to disturb your breakfast" she apologized.

"It's okay, please have a seat" Maya told her.

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